1 Apr 2018

Lyrids meteor shower

April 22nd sees the Lyrids meteor shower. I shall probably monitor this on either 6m or 2m, although I am unsure which mode to use. Traditionally, MSK144 has been good, but maybe now I should try FT8?

Advice sought!

Lack of faith - NOT amateur radio

Our local church is now very "happy clappy". My wife got me to go today as it is Easter Sunday.

Although I used to be a regular attender at our church, these days I hardly ever go. In some ways I feel more spiritual, but I now feel no religion "cuts it".

This last 12 months has seen the death of two young sons of friends in very sad circumstances. Life seems cruel.

In many ways I envy the simple faith of many, but I am finding it harder and harder to feel that I fit in. To me, all religions fail to provide me the answers I need.

As I have said many times before, I feel all religions hint at a deeper truth and are, maybe, attempts to come to terms with our finality.

Sunspots - Sunday April 1st 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the sunspot number 12. A=7 and K=1.

70cm FT8

This is no April 1st joke.

As an experiment today. I am monitoring 432.174MHz FT8 using my VERTICAL V2000 omni stick antenna. If you want to try TXing on this UHF band, then I am looking! If there is any aircraft scatter and activity, then there is a chance.

Go on, try it.

UPDATE 1310z: No spots so far.

31 Mar 2018

630m WSPR RX

As there was clearly no "real" DX on 10m FT8, I have now moved to MF WSPR RX. So far this evening, 3 uniques: 1 Spanish and 2 Norwegians.

UPDATE 2101z: Now 8 uniques spotted.

70cm FT8?

Does anyone know if there is any FT8 activity on 70cm in the EU? On the face of it, it should be similar to 2m, but I don't know if anyone is active.

See https://www.essexham.co.uk/ft8-basics-explained

6m DX in the Es season - which mode?

We are in the run-up to the Es season in the Northern Hemisphere. The best months are May-July although Es can occur at other times too.

Last Es season I kept a watching brief using JT65 and spotted some amazing 6m DX including a whole string of Japanese stations early one morning on 6m. Of course, this was before FT8 appeared on the scene.

This season I am not sure of the mode to try. Probably FT8 as the take-up on this mode has been so great.

Considering I just use a vertical V2000 omni antenna, I was very excited with the results last year.

Our local church - NOT amateur radio

This church dates back over 1000 years to Saxon times although most of the "modern" church dates from the mid 1400s. Whatever you believe, or not, this is a fine building.

It never fails to amaze me how so many fine churches were built long ago when the population was a small fraction of what it is now. These people must have had strong beliefs then or lived in constant fear of evil.

What did they expect? - NOT amateur radio

Everyone is entitled to justice, but these people deserve what? If you live by the sword do you die by the sword? They, allegedly, committed some heinous acts. Now they are asking, allegedly, for UK citizenship.

I thought UK citizenship was for people who agreed with, and lived in accordance with, UK values.

Why should the UK tax payer keep certain criminals in gaol at our expense if they, clearly, don't want to be party to the way we live?

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43601925

GB3PI logic update

As mentioned before, my antenna was used in the early days of GB3PI in the 1970s. GB3PI was the very first UK repeater. In the early days I was a regular user. I don't think I have used a repeater in the last year!

According to Southgate News the logic of this repeater is being updated early in April. Sorry, but repeaters don't "float my boat". To some, especially with internet linking, they are an important part of our hobby.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/march/new-revolutionary-logic-for-gb3pi.htm#.Wr9nDExFzIU