31 Mar 2018

Our local church - NOT amateur radio

This church dates back over 1000 years to Saxon times although most of the "modern" church dates from the mid 1400s. Whatever you believe, or not, this is a fine building.

It never fails to amaze me how so many fine churches were built long ago when the population was a small fraction of what it is now. These people must have had strong beliefs then or lived in constant fear of evil.

What did they expect? - NOT amateur radio

Everyone is entitled to justice, but these people deserve what? If you live by the sword do you die by the sword? They, allegedly, committed some heinous acts. Now they are asking, allegedly, for UK citizenship.

I thought UK citizenship was for people who agreed with, and lived in accordance with, UK values.

Why should the UK tax payer keep certain criminals in gaol at our expense if they, clearly, don't want to be party to the way we live?

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43601925

GB3PI logic update

As mentioned before, my antenna was used in the early days of GB3PI in the 1970s. GB3PI was the very first UK repeater. In the early days I was a regular user. I don't think I have used a repeater in the last year!

According to Southgate News the logic of this repeater is being updated early in April. Sorry, but repeaters don't "float my boat". To some, especially with internet linking, they are an important part of our hobby.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/march/new-revolutionary-logic-for-gb3pi.htm#.Wr9nDExFzIU

Return to 10m FT8 RX

This morning I returned to 10m FT8. So far, just a couple of Gs spotted. May, June, July and August should be much better with Es.

UPDATE 1134z: No further 10m FT8 spots here so far.

UPDATE 1353z: DK9WI (505km) spotted.

Sunspots - Saturday March 31st 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the sunspot number 11. A=5 and K=2.

HF predictions

There is an online HF prediction program that allows you to input details of the TX gear/location and the RX gear/location and gives you a likelihood the path will be open or not. I have not used this before.

See www.voacap.com

Better amateur radio prices?

Every month I get a newsletter from a French company XBS Telecom. As far as I can see, they sell amateur gear, with guarantees and VAT at far below the UK prices. Certainly worth a look. With Yaesu cashback offers, these are very attractive prices.

See https://www.xbstelecom.eu/shop/en/12-ham-radio

Spectrum pollution

There is little doubt that the noise floor is increasing at LF, MF, HF and VHF. This is especially acute in towns, but even in my village you can see it is getting progressively worse. With the likelihood that electric cars will become more commonplace, things could get even worse with wireless charging.

Southgate News has a link to Don Beattie's paper all about this.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/march/the-threats-to-radiocommunication.htm#.Wr5g0ExFzIU

30 Mar 2018

QSY to 472kHz WSPR RX

About 10 minutes ago I went QRT on 28MHz and QSYed to 472kHz WSPR RX. As yet, nothing spotted.

UPDATE 2050z: 6 uniques on this band so far this evening. I shall stay on until bedtime. Still using the earth-electrode "antenna".

Eating out - NOT amateur radio

For the second time this month we ate out at a local Italian restaurant which has excellent service and a good fixed price menu. Honestly, I could not fault anything. Both my wife and I had the 3 course set menu and the photo shows her dessert (panna cotta).