30 Jan 2018

10m FT8 RX

Will today be a repeat of yesterday? Having been on since breakfast my only spot is of G0OYQ (177km) in the Hull area. This is probably aircraft reflection or it could be tropo. If it turns out like yesterday, this could be it! However, I am always hopeful and you never know.

UPDATE 1205z: Well, I was right to be optimistic! DK2BL (990km) in Bavaria has been spotted.

UPDATE 1412z: No further spots.

UPDATE 1835z: SQ4OJD (1357km) spotted strongly.

Sunrise - NOT amateur radio

After the rain yesterday, we had a glorious sunrise today. This was the sunrise earlier in our close. It is still sunny.

Sunspots - Tuesday January 30th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today (low). Sunspot number is still zero. A=4 and K=2.


Last night I did not go on 630m WSPR RX. The rigs and PC were rested overnight. Since breakfast, I have been on 10m FT8 RX.


This is a view of my operating position. Nearby, but not shown, is the bench where I do any building.

29 Jan 2018

630m WSPR RX

Although I am currently monitoring 630m WSPR RX, I am not sure about monitoring overnight. I may continue (shack PC on batteries) until bedtime. So far the best DX is EA5DOM (1525km). In all, 5 uniques spotted this evening so far.

Grumpy old man - NOT amateur radio

OK, I have definitely qualified for grumpy old man status!

Over lunch I glanced through one of the many gifts on sale in the brochures we get sent in the post. I noticed a "New England Chair" that was £450!! It was probably made in a sweatshop in China for £5. Now, some may pay this (perhaps a footballer on £400k a week?), but count me out!

Now, I have nothing against small businesses (or large) making fair profits, but this is ridiculous in my view. Some suckers may be persuaded to part with their money, but not me.

365project - NOT amateur radio

Some time ago I think I mentioned that I do the 365project (do not confuse with MS Word as it has nothing whatsoever to do with this).
Basically this is free unless you want privacy and more albums, when it costs $19.99 a year. The idea is to submit a picture every day so you have a sort of visual diary.
Some submit very arty photos, but I tend to use very ordinary images. It is interesting to look back, say, 3 years.

See http://365project.org/g3xbm/365

The next solar maximum

"A monthly smoothed maximum number of 62 is derived for Solar Cycle 25. This would probably be around 2025. This is almost down to Dalton Mimimum values."

Basically, not great! We had better get used to it.

See https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/12/21/solar-cycle-25-amplitude-prediction/

630m overnight

Last night I returned to 630m WSPR RX. In all, 12 uniques were spotted, all EU. Overall, not a brilliant night.