19 Oct 2017

Rallies this Sunday

Downshire Community School, Downshire Rd, Carrickfergus BT38 7DA. Doors open 11am and admission is £3. Light refreshments will be available. All will be welcome. Details from Elizabeth Forde, elizabethforde64@yahoo.com

Sparkford Village Hall, Sparkford, Nr Yeovil, Somerset BA22 7ED Free admission and light refreshments. Displays, computer controlled radio, SDR, Morse, Spy sets. Ex Members welcome. Bob on 01963 440 167

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Autumn - NOT amateur radio

You can tell it's autumn! This was our nearest garden centre this morning.

At the other garden centre they had lots of Christmas things on sale. Well, it is October and profits are profits. Personally I think Christmas things should only be allowed for sale in December, but I am a grumpy old man!

Rain - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday it rained.

This is a view of Rose Crescent, Cambridge, looking towards the Market Square. If it rains in Cambridge, we are quite unlucky as rainy days are quite rare. We get them, but it rains far less in the SE of the UK than in the west.

10m FT8

Since breakfast, I have been on 10m FT8. As yet, no spots.

UPDATE 1124z: Several DX stations to the east spotted on 10m FT8 including VK9VKL (11970km) on Christmas Island. He appears to have been widely spotted, so he looks genuine. This is my first VK this autumn.

Food - NOT amateur radio

Every Tuesday and Wednesday I travel into Cambridge for University of the Third Age lectures.

On Tuesdays it is, "Weather and Climate" and on Wednesdays, "Samuel Pepys". We are very lucky in Cambridge having a huge variety of courses.

Afterwards, my wife joined me for lunch.

630m WSPR overnight

Spots of my 10mW 630m WSPR overnight
For last night's test I removed the radials across the lawn (2) and a local ground quite close to the shack. If anything results were better! On TX I was spotted by 9 unique stations (10mW ERP) and on RX I spotted 12 unique stations. I was spotted in Wales for the first time this autumn on 630m and G0KTN was another new one this season. My conclusion is, in my case, the radials made no difference and actually may have made things worse. I guess this says my ground is actually more effective than I thought. The actual antenna needs improving if I am to up my ERP.

Sunspots - Thursday October 19th 2017

Solar flux is 72 today and the sunspot number zero.  A=5 and K=3.

18 Oct 2017

Now on 630m WSPR (no radials)

At 1750z, I switched to 630m without my radials and additional ground outside of the shack. Antenna current is the same.

UPDATE 1804z: Initial indications are that the radials made no difference at all. This suggests my ground connection was already pretty good and that only a better antenna would make a real difference to my ERP.

Switched to 10m FT8 RX

A few minutes ago, I switched from 10m WSPR TX to 10m FT8 RX. As yet, no spots. Later, I shall go onto 630m WSPR having removed the radials and additional ground, that were of questionable benefit.

UPDATE 1750z:  No spots. Now switched to 630m WSPR.

UK pound versus euro exchange rate - NOT amateur radio

Some time ago I predicted that the pound would appreciate against the euro before the year end. Well, it is mid October and, if anything, it is losing value! I guess BREXIT uncertainty is the main reason. Fundamentally, the euro still has issues, although I think my end of year may be out.