9 Oct 2017

10m (and 630m) FT8

This mode has still not been officially released yet, but it is already very popular. Last night I copied the tail end of what was probably the world's first 630m FT8 QSO between G6AVK and G3KEV. G3KEV was very strong.

Although I have only been on 10m for maybe 20 minutes, I have already spotted IZ8IEV (1646km) at -17dB S/N. Now he is +2dB S/N. Also spotted was a PD0. This latter one could be aircraft reflection.

UPDATE 1335z: First Brazilian spotted on 10m FT8 today was PY5IP (9888km). Sunspot number is zero today.

UPDATE 1348z: Now VP8LP (12772km) in the Falkland Is spotted on 10m FT8.

UPDATE 1804z: No further South Americans today on 10m FT8, but still plenty of DX ...and the sunspot number is zero! This mode really is good.

630m WSPR RX overnight

11 unique spots yesterday evening and overnight, but only PA0ONO (287km) a new call.

8 Oct 2017

Wicken Fen Windmill - NOT amateur radio

Today we did a 2.4 mile walk at Wicken Fen. For me, this is a long walk these days!   Sadly, I find long walks tiring these days.   Wicken feels wild.

This windmill used to pump water.

I was hoping to catch some very late swallows, but saw none. A few little egrets, but no swallows. Most swallows have now flown to warmer weather in Africa. An odd few may still be around, but most have more sense!

Spain - NOT amateur radio

As if Europe did not have enough problems!

What with BREXIT, Greece, the Euro and migrants, Europe is having a hard time.

Now Spain risks a break-up with Catalonia voting to break away. Whether this actually happens remains to be seen, but Spain is damaged. There are shades of General Franco surfacing again.

I just hope some sensible compromise is reached. If Catalonia goes, surely the Basques will seek to break away too? That would be the end of Spain as we know it.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basque_Country_(greater_region)
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spain

10m FT8 - best day this autumn?

Today looks like it will be the best day this autumn on 10m FT8. Already most of Europe copied. Also Armenia, Israel, Qatar, Mali, South Africa, Angola, Reunion, Mauritius and Brazil. And that is just up to now.

This evening many more South American countries are likely to be copied.

UPDATE 1436z: Now 4 South Americans spotted plus Canary Is on 10m FT8. I see there is an rc2 version now, which is up to 4dB more sensitive! I'll have to try this. At the moment I am still using rc1.

See https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html

UPDATE 1645z:  Distance chart for 10m FT8 today, showing how many stations spotted at a given distance.

UPDATE 1940z: Well, there can be absolutely no doubt that today was the very best on 10m FT8 this autumn with loads of South Americans spotted this evening. Now QSYing to 630m WSPR.

10m F2?

At the moment I am on 10m FT8 RX and there is some evidence of F2 propagation with spots of Israel and Armenia. Best DX so far this morning is EK6RSC (3586km).

UPDATE 1216:  Best DX spot on 10m FT8 today is FR5FC (9743km).

UPDATE 1245z: Now South Africa and South America being spotted here on 10m FT8.

Moorhens - NOT amateur radio

We spotted a couple of moorhens on the mill leat at Anglesey Abbey last week. These are quite common. We usually see some.

Sunspots - Sunday October 8th 2017

Solar flux is 80 today and the sunspot number 11. A=5 and K=2.

630m WSPR RX last evening

Last night, I went QRT on 630m WSPR at bedtime. No greater DX than EA4GHB (1300km) spotted by the time I went QRT. 8 unique spots last evening on 630m WSPR. Average.

7 Oct 2017

QSYed to 630m WSPR RX (eventually)

After a couple of attempts to leave 10m FT8 (which has been brilliant this evening), I have now eventually QSYed to 630m WSPR. Nothing yet spotted on 630m WSPR RX tonight.

UPDATE 2008z:  DJ0ABR (983km) is the first MF station spotted this evening.

UPDATE 2120z: This evening Netherlands, Germany and Spain spotted so far with best DX EA4GHB (1300km).