31 Jul 2016

QRP and QRP Club

More from Oleg...

Dear Club 72 members and friends,

Operators SM7ZDI, R6TQ, HB9WG became "rendezvous" Honor Frequenters
See  full  Visitors  and  Frequenters lists on the Club 72 web page -
See  full  "rendezvous" report with comments and pictures on the blog
page - http://qrp-club72.blogspot.ru/

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"

Stroke Update - NOT amateur radio

Every now and again I give an update on my recovery from my stroke in 2013. There is very little change! I seem to be on a plateau now with most (all?) foods OK but I still have problems with drinks. Beer and orange are OK in small sips but I find tea (especially Lapsang Souchong) and coffee hard work. I used to love these!

All the time I feel giddy on my feet and I still tire easily after any physical or mental activity of more than 15 minutes. My emotional threshold seems lower - I worry and cry more. I have a sick feeling most of my waking time. Sleep is fine, although I sometimes muddle dreams with reality: for example I was convinced my younger son had decided to break a journey to the Lake District here next weekend. He is coming but they have no plans to visit the Lake District. I must have dreamed this! I can drive and most cognitive functions are fine. My fine motor skills are not as good as they were.  My voice is poor.

In summary, I am having to adapt to the new "me". If things improve, great, but after all this time I am beginning to accept my limitations. The main problem is people see me and say how well I look. Indeed I do look well. Inside I still feel unwell. In some ways it would be easier to have a disability that people could see.

Es and 10m WSPR and 6m JT65 activity

Apart from G4KPX (14km) there have been no spots of my 500mW 10m WSPR all morning. By contrast, I have had several spots on 6m JT65 and spotted others on 6m too. I can only put this down to too few on 10m WSPR. I shall stick with 6m JT65 for a little longer.

Steve VE7SL has also commented on the possibility of chordal hop Es as a possible explanation of very long 6m Es paths. Steve was saying he'd found this 6m Es season very poor. It is true that I've not caught any really long paths on 6m Es this summer. There have been plenty of European reports, but little further afield on 6m. Even on 10m I was only spotted in the Caribbean once. A couple of Paraguayan spots on 10m may have been Es or Es/equatorial spread F.  In all, I tend to agree with Steve: I have seen better Es seasons.

UPDATE 1354z:  It seems that Es openings are still occurring but less often than a month or so ago. Today, there has been some Es on 10m and 6m, but not much.

UPDATE 1503z: No further 6m or 10m Es reports.  When good, I can get spots from all over Europe with QRP and simple antennas.

Ducklings - NOT amateur radio

We had a lovely site yesterday when a mother duck and 8 tiny ducklings decided to walk across our front lawn. Luckily we managed to take a few photos.

Sunspots and 10m - Sunday July 31st 2016

Solar flux is 70 today and the sunspot number 13. K=0. The forecast for 10m F2 is (yes you guessed correctly) "poor".

Quiet start today

I was not on overnight but restarted the 10m WSPR and 6m JT65 at breakfast. So far, just one Es spot on 10m WSPR by EA1FAQ (1249km) and none at all (yet) on 6m where I have been spotted by a couple of Gs, probably by tropo or aircraft reflection. I have also been spotted by EI4DQ (576km) on 6m JT65. It is just possible this was Es, but more likely aircraft reflection.

UPDATE 1124z: On 6m JT65 I have spotted EA1YV (1289km) and a French station, so there is 6m Es about.

30 Jul 2016

Plenty of 6m Es

6m JT65 (1W ERP vertical) has been good with Es and other modes today. There has been widespread Es as well as tropo and aircraft reflections. In all, 6m is still good. Es continues on 10m too with a 10m WSPR spot from Finland.

See https://pskreporter.info/pskmap.html .

OFCOM crappery

So, I tried to log in to check my amateur licence is still validated. As it was some years since I logged in, I had forgotten my password so I wanted to request a new one. It did not even recognise my email!!  Give up.

Do they add any value?

JT65 on 10m - well soon

With good Es still on both 10m and 6m, I am reluctant to swap from JT65 on 6m to JT65 and JT9-1 on 10m. As I've said before, it is a case of "either or" on 10m JT65 as I cannot use my W5OLF beacon stand alone as it only works on 10m WSPR. For 10m JT modes I need the FT817 and the PC.  I am sure there is more activity on JT modes (certainly true on 6m).

Even though JT modes are less good than WSPR, this is made up for by the 1 minute cycle time and greater activity. I shall probably swap to 10m JT modes mid-August.

Church blog addition - NOT amateur radio

See http://eachurches.blogspot.co.uk/

This now includes Mildenhall in Suffolk. Supposedly, the largest church in Suffolk according to Simon Knott who knows a few things!