10 Apr 2016

WRC 2015 final agreements

See http://www.itu.int/pub/R-ACT-WRC.12-2015 .

I do hope that OFCOM and the whole of CEPT allocates a full 100kHz rather than the 15kHz agreed at the ITU WRC 2015 to the amateur service at 5MHz.

Of course this would mean OFCOM making a real decision, so this is unlikely.

Back on 630m WSPR after 10m WSPR today

10m WSPR was disappointing today here with just G spots. Already, 630m (472kHz) WSPR is better with lots of spots already both given and received.

UPDATE 2020z:  This evening looks good. Already spotting EA5DOM (1525km) and being spotted in The Netherlands on 472kHz WSPR with 5mW ERP. Will I be copied in Norway again overnight on 472kHz WSPR?

Church blog updated - NOT amateur radio

See http://eachurches.blogspot.co.uk/ .

The church blog has now been updated to include the redundant St Peter's Church in Cambridge. I have still to add a photo of the font.

Sunspots and 10m - Sun April 10th 2016

Solar flux is 106 today. Sunspot number is 29, just up on yesterday, and K=3. The forecast for 10m remains "poor" today. I am not expecting great things on 10m today.

9 Apr 2016

St Peter's Church, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

This redundant church in Cambridge was visited yesterday. It was open. It is located just north of the Folk Museum. I'll do a write-up for the church blog next week. Nice place - small but holy.

Sunspots and 10m - Sat April 9th 2016

As we have had little grandchildren staying here (on their own) , amateur radio has taken a back seat, although I have been on 10m WSPR most of the day.

Solar flux has risen to 105 today and sunspot number is 27 (K=1). The forecast for 10m propagation remains "poor".

10m WSPR today

10m WSPR was disappointing today with just spots by G stations all day. With slightly better solar conditions and a weekend I was expecting better. 10m is a band of surprises. Today the surprises were of the wrong sort!

8 Apr 2016

Grandchildren - NOT amateur radio

As we have our "London" grandchildren here for a few days, amateur radio has taken a back seat. They are still very little.

This afternoon we went into Cambridge by car and the "Park and Ride" bus.  The photo shows one of them at the Cambridge Folk Museum.

MF this evening

I have been active on 472kHz WSPR since early evening. So far results have been mediocre - see below. I shall be staying on overnight.

OFCOM Updates - NOT amateur radio

See stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/wireless-telegraphy-fees-notice-2016/?utm_source=updates&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Wireless-telegraphy-fees-notice&utm_term=Wireless Telegraphy Act Fees  DTT multiplex White space  Mobile licence products for details of some changes made by OFCOM.