25 Mar 2016

Return to 472kHz WSPR

Just after dark, at about 1900z, I turned off the 10m WSPR and QSYed down to 472kHz (630m) where I shall remain all evening and night.  Last night the best DX on 472kHz WSPR RX was EA5DOM (1525km). We'll see what tonight brings. On TX (5mW ERP) and RX I am still using the earth-electrode "antenna". I am on RX for 80% of the time.

To Brazil (again) on 10m WSPR

KD0VWO (7412km) monitoring in Brazil spotted me on 10m WSPR this afternoon. With a low sunspot number, it again shows the value of WSPR. Such brief openings would go unnoticed otherwise.  G3JKV (123km) was spotted. The report from Brazil was better than the report I gave G3JKV.

Spring? - NOT amateur radio

There are probably another 6 weeks before we see the trees coated in fresh green, the blossom well out, and fields of yellow rape. Already the first sand martins are returning to Devon and there has even been a report of a returning swallow in Devon. It will probably be into April before I spot swallows up here in East Anglia. Usually I see my first swallows here April 7-14th. Swifts are not usually seen (by me at least!) until the end of April.

These returning migrants bring joy to my heart: long after I am gone they will still be doing this journey as their ancestors have done for thousands of years. I admit there have been times when I never thought I'd see this spring.

Lackford Lakes - NOT amateur radio

Before lunch we visited Lackford Lakes, a nature reserve not far from Newmarket. There were plenty of water birds plus we heard at least 2 chiffchaffs, which have probably just got back from Africa although some of these now over-winter in the UK.  Driving through Lackford there was a red kite overhead. We also saw a tree creeper in the reserve.

Sunspots and 10m - Fri March 25th 2016

Solar flux is 85 today and the sunspot number up a little at 25 (K=1). 10m propagation is expected to remain "poor" today.  I have been on 10m for a few hours now but no spots as yet.

24 Mar 2016


See https://twitter.com/Icom_UK?cn=ZmxleGlibGVfcmVjc18y&refsrc=email .

ICOM is now telling the world that the IC7300 is now on sale in the UK.

The picture on the LHS is a cropped version of that tweeted by ICOM_UK.  It will be removed if required as I have no wish to infringe copyright. It is shown here in good faith. I like this radio, but not the price!

2m WSPR?

Yesterday I received an email about 2m WSPR, to which I replied. It has got me thinking. I've not tried 2m WSPR since I had the big-wheel horizontal omni up, so I ought to have another go. The last time I tried was with Bob G3WKW. The main issue was rig drift, even with a TCXO. As I recall, even after a full day we only managed 1 spot! We are about 140km apart. It will need a long test. I guess I can check the frequency by using GB3VHF.

MLS selling ICOM IC7300s from today

Southgate News reports that MLS are selling IC7300 transceivers from today. It looks a nice radio but I think it is selling for too much. My opinion, others may disagree.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2016/march/ic_7300_announcement.htm .

Stroke update - NOT amateur radio

Today I had to visit the doctor for my check-up. Blood pressure and chest were fine and my PSA levels were lower than in December and "no action is required".

Overall, I still feel wobbly on my feet, thin liquids are hard work, my voice is poor and I still feel not as I was. Any improvements are hard to see. I guess this is how it is going to be now and I'd better learn to adapt.

Sunspots and 10m - Thurs March 24th 2016

Solar flux is 86 today and sunspot number just 14 (K=2). 10m propagation  is again expected to remain "poor". I QSYed from MF to 10m about 30 minutes ago, more in hope than expectation!

UPDATE 1252z:  10m never to amaze me! I was expecting nothing today and see that 4X1RF (3519km) has already spotted my 2W 10m WSPR 10 times already. It certainly shows that 10m is open far more often than casual SSB or CW use would suggest. Some of 4X1RF's 10m spots have been remarkably strong too.

UPDATE 1356z:  The spots from Israel seemed to stop after lunch. I am now beginning to wonder if the 10m band will open to S.America. Anything, it seems, is possible!

UPDATE 1626z:  No more spots on 10m since lunch.