25 Jul 2015

Swifts - NOT amateur radio

This evening, in a further attempt to beat my giddiness, I went for a decent (for me!) walk. One of the joys of an English summer evening is seeing swifts on the wing high in the sky and hearing their calls - a high pitched scream. To me, this is the sound of summer. Their wings are scythe like and they spend most of their lives on the wing.

They arrive late (around the end of April) and go before summer is done. It an ephemeral sound that they make. When you hear it, it is truly late spring or summer. Soon the summer migrants will head south to warmer skies and we will be joined by migrants from the north such as whooper and bewick swans from the high Arctic and Russia as well thrushes like redwings and fieldfares from Scandinavia. To them we represent warmth and mildness!

For now I am content to hear those swifts, although they will soon be on their way. Hopefully, I'll still be around for their return in the spring. Seeing the first swifts in late April brings joy to my heart. The cycle of life that has happened for thousands of years goes on. No doubt this cycle went on when we still lived in caves and when Roman soldiers walked these lands and this cycle will still be going on long after I am dust again.

See http://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/discoverandlearn/birdguide/name/s/swift/ .

Sunspots and 10m - Sat July 25th 2015

Sunspot number is 54 today (K=2) somewhat up on yesterday, but still not high. 10m conditions are expected to remain "poor".  So far today, there has been very little DX about with only marginal Es early on on 10m WSPR.

Another poor Es day on 10m and 6m WSPR

Just a brief Es opening on 10m WSPR to northern Spain (EA1) but nothing else apart from Gs on either band. I am definitely leaving 6m after the weekend.

24 Jul 2015

Thunder and lightning?

Since I cut part of our hedges after breakfast, we have had non-stop rain all day. This is expected to get stronger overnight. We badly need the rain as our lawns are going brown. There is a good chance of a thunderstorm overnight so I shall go QRT on 10m and 6m later this evening.

UPDATE 2136z:  All rigs and antennas disconnected, so totally QRT.  Storms currently over English Channel. For storm maps for the UK see http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime?lang=en .

Kits list

I see that http://www.amateurradio.com/ had a link to a blog that listed lots of amateur kits. If you are looking for kits you may want to browse the list. Caveat emptor of course and I advise a look at reviews on http://www.eham.net/reviews/  before parting with your money. Some are well known, but many were new to me.

See http://fofio.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/radio-kit-guide.htm .

Ranger 2 and Ranger 3 from Henry's Radio

In my youth (a very long time ago!) there were adverts for Henry's Radio on the rear cover of Practical Wireless and Radio Constructor, I think. The most memorable adverts were for Ranger 2 and Ranger 3 radios covering "Medium wave, top band and shipping". I notice that details of the Ranger 3 are available on the Radio Museum website. I always wanted one but could not afford it with my pocket money.

See http://www.radiomuseum.org/r/hernrys_ranger_3.html .

6m Es

There was a brief Es opening on 6m at 1140z today during which WSPR spots were exchanged with CT1PT (1685km).  On 10m WSPR I have just been spotted by G stations so far.

Poor start on 6m and 10m WSPR

It has been a poor start on both 6m and 10m with just G stations overnight and this morning so far. No evidence here of any Es on either band on WSPR.

I shall stay on 6m over the weekend but I shall probably QSY to 472kHz WSPR after that. I think the best of the Es season is now over, especially on 6m?

Sunspots and 10m - Friday July 24th 2015

Sunspot number has slipped further and is just 27 today (K=2) and 10m is expected to remain "poor".

It has just started to rain here (miserable day!) but the garden badly needs the rain, which is due to get worse and last 24 hours. I managed to cut part of my hedge before the rain started.  My wife and I got married 44 years ago today.

23 Jul 2015

Last few days on 6m?

Well, today has been a pretty poor day here on 6m WSPR. A few more days like this and I am going QRT on 6m and looking elsewhere.   Of course, the day after I close down on 6m you can be sure of the biggest transatlantic 6m opening in years!

In a few weeks I shall need some help with antennas. I want to replace my small hand-rotated 2m/70cm beam with big wheels and I want a long wire that can be used on 472kHz.  At the moment I am just too wobbly on ladders. How I wish I was fit again!