Well, I've had success on 10m digital with a couple of JT65 QSOs on 10m. Managed to work
CT1AYO and
LY3OO on 10m JT65 early this morning.
No success this time in JT9-1 on 10m. I listened for a while - heard nothing - so put out some CQ calls in JT9-1, but sadly without success. It was a case of lack of activity. Currently I am monitoring (i.e. not TXing) on 50.276MHz JT65.
Tried 7.076MHz JT65, but the 40m band was very noisy.
PSK reporter maps show I've been copied outside Europe, I have still to
work anyone outside Europe this summer since I started on digital 2-way modes a few days ago. It will certainly happen as JT9-1 is only about 2dB worse than WSPR. JT65 is about 4dB worse. So, on many stations, I should be in range, even with my compromise antenna system on 20m and 10m.