My reading of this OFCOM document is that the UK frequency spectrum is seen as a opportunity for revenue generation. Apparently spectrum "resource" is worth £52 billion to the UK economy. BTW, amateur radio doesn't even get a mention! Radio amateurs do not contribute to this revenue stream and the document does not seem to recognise the self training of radio amateurs in radio science. Maybe they are right: using a black box is hardly skillful or educational.
To my way of thinking, spectrum is a NATURAL resource, a bit like the air we breath or the wind in our faces. Call me an old fashioned socialist (actually this is NOT my natural political stance) but I am uncomfortable that MONEY seems the main, actually the only, motive here.
Give radio amateurs very easy access to "strange" spectrum (e.g. sub 8.3kHz, around 73kHz, and around 40MHz) and access to all licence free slots. Actually, radio amateurs have a lot to contribute and self training in radio science would be ENCOURAGED by such moves.
We are more likely to gain 146-147MHz which, frankly, is a waste: we will gain NOTHING from this except maybe yet more appliance operators using black boxes. 2m is never that busy in my experience. How often are FM channels busy or the SSB slot? Outside contests SSB seems pretty dead on 2m.
We all have a duty to use spectrum wisely, but money is
surely not the right way? I am also ANNOYED that so much power and
spectrum is in the hands of the UK military. Just look at the current
frequency allocations. This is plain wrong in peacetime.