14 Mar 2021

EMF calculator

Quite a few people have been concerned by recent letters from OFCOM about changes to our licences in the future to ensure we do not put members of the public in danger. 

With QRP this is very unlikely, but with high power and beams you may be required to prove this if you were ever investigated.

There are several calculators available to help work this out e.g. on the OFCOM and RSGB websites. I see Steve G1KQH has found another, the link of which is on his blog.

Crystal set DXing

As radio amateurs, we are often after new challenges. One such is DXing with crystal sets.  In the past, there have been some remarkable designs.  

Remember that all the power is provided by the TX station (no batteries, no solar cells etc.), so people struggle to get the strongest signals with decent selectivity. 

Amateur DX is possible, and on 80m I have copied SSB signals at some distance. Of course, this was just envelope detection and I had to use other means to ID the station with certainty. On bands like 10m, it should be possible, at times, to copy DX stations, especially with Es on a crystal set. Signals need to be in the low mVs to be received.

In the days when AM was common on 160m I have copied stations at some distance on a crystal set. Patience is required. People regularly copy 80m AM nets in the USA.

See https://crystalradio.net/crystalplans/index.shtml

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/crystalset.  As this page is quite old, some of the links may not work. At some point I really must check and delete any that no longer work.

Remember that old pages, now closed, can often be found on the Wayback Machine.

1933 recordings - NOT amateur radio

Southgate News has some interesting links to some recording made in 1933 on aluminium disks of AM broadcasters.  Of great historic interest.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/march/dxing-in-england-1933.htm#.YE3QayuTLrc

King's - NOT amateur radio

Living close to Cambridge it is all too easy to take sights that people come across the world to see for granted . The photo shows King's. 

Orchids - NOT amateur radio

My wife has a "touch" with orchids. She gives them a thumbnail of water a week. Too much water can kill them. 

Sunspots - Sunday March 14th 2021

 Solar flux is 81 and the SSN 12.  A=17 and K=3.

13 Mar 2021

Vancouver statue - NOT amateur radio

We live about 1 hour from Kings Lynn in Norfolk. 

On the quay is a statue of George Vancouver as shown in the photo taken some years ago at this time of year.

Better times? - NOT amateur radio

We live a few miles from Cambridge.  In normal times it is busy with university students and visitors from all over the world. The photo shows some of the bikes in normal times. Hopefully these days (after Covid-19) will return. 

When you can't have normal, you realise how important this was. We haven't been in to Cambridge since last summer! We used to go every week.

8m band permits?

We are about to enter the Es season in the Northern Hemisphere. Many are wondering about special permits for spot frequencies at 8m. There are a few countries with access but more would be good. 

17m FT8 QRP (Saturday)

At about 1000z, I turned on my 17m FT8 gear with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop. It is 1016z and so far 5 stations have already spotted me on TX and I have spotted 34 stations already on 17m FT8 RX including South America - PY1KS (9366km). 

UPDATE 1024z: 50 stations spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1530z: 312 stations spotted on RX and 16 stations have spotted my QRP on TX.

Stations spotting
my QRP TX today
UPDATE 1650z: 345 stations spotted on RX and 17 stations have spotted my QRP on TX.

Stations spotted
on RX today
UPDATE 2139z:
369 stations spotted today on RX. 19 stations spotted my QRP FT8 today on TX. Now QRT.  I am totally amazed how many stations spotted my QRP today considering how tiny the indoor loop is. I have still to try thicker wire for the loop, which should improve results still further.

Quy - NOT amateur radio

One of our favourite places is the walk down to the lake at nearby Stow-cum-Quy. It is a delightful spot about 6 miles away be car.

Virtual expo

This weekend there is a virtual expo. There are lots of presentations that might be of interest to you.

See https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com/

Optical communications

Many years ago I did some experiments with optical communications over the horizon (NLOS). See the photo. This appeared as a FB memory today. 

Sunspots - Saturday March 13th 2021

Solar flux is 77 and the SSN 15.  A=12 and K=4.

12 Mar 2021

Smaller? - NOT amateur radio

Today we bought some compost from a local hardware store. 

My wife bought me a Mars chocolate bar. It says 51g. To me it seems far smaller than I remember. Is this the way they are charging us the same, but actually selling less? 

Pot of gold? - NOT amateur radio

This was the view down our close yesterday. No gold found!! 

Walkies - NOT amateur radio

This afternoon we did a walk around Anglesey Abbey. The daffodils will be at their best in about 1 - 2 weeks.

The photo shows one spot where they are out. 

17m FT8 QRP (Friday)

At 1135z, I turned on 17m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop antenna. So far today (after 5 minutes only) 15 stations spotted on RX, but nobody has spotted my QRP on TX. 

UPDATE 1252z: 75 stations in 4 continents spotted on RX. 3 stations have spotted my QRP on TX with the furthermost UW5ZM (2317km).

Zoom "dinner" - NOT amateur radio

Last night, because of Covid-19, we had another "virtual" dinner on Zoom with old work friends. Since we have not been able to meet in person every month, we have had Zoom meetings instead. We are encouraged  to bring our own drinks! 

Surprisingly, these have been pretty effective: not as good as chatting in person over a real meal, but better than nothing. Zoom allows everyone to see and hear everyone. 

We even had a deaf member last night. Lipreading with Zoom was a challenge and a lot of use was made of the typed "chat" feature!

Age of radio amateurs

Southgate News has some feedback on a Freedom of Information request made to OFCOM asking for data on the age of radio amateurs. As no age records need to be kept now, the released data is only partial. 

I think it is fair to say that many (most?) UK radio amateurs are old. It is also well known that most are men.

Recently, our local church has lost several members who have either died or moved away. What will amateur radio look like in 20 years' time?

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/march/ofcom-released-age-of-radio-amateurs-data.htm#.YEs0ZyuTLrc

Sunspots - Friday March 12th 2021

 Solar flux is 78 and the SSN 23.  A=4 and K=2.

11 Mar 2021


It is very many years since I was on the 4m (70MHz) amateur band. When I was first on in the late 1960s most operation was in the British Isles. 

These days many more countries have permanent or temporary access to the band. There are far more European countries with access nowadays. 

At one time there was a push to get CEPT to grant access to the band in all CEPT countries I think. 

The photo shows my transverter that has never been used at this QTH. I am not sure where it is even!

At some point I would like to get on 4m again. With a few watts and a halo antenna much of Europe should be workable in Es openings.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/4m_tvtr .

See https://70mhz.org/

Bee friendly - NOT amateur radio

On our walk yesterday I was joined by a friendly bee. I think he thought my yellow jacket was a plant with nectar. 

At one point he climbed on my hand.


Although in the UK OFCOM is consulting, it is likely that it will make safeguarding the public from harmful EMF a condition of our licence. 

What this means is that if were ever investigated, we may have to prove we are safeguarding the public. 

With very low power, this is very unlikely to be a problem. However, with full legal limits and big beams this could be a problem, although antenna height may well help. There are spreadsheets on the RSGB and OFCOM websites to help. Many are awaiting the final rules. 

The bottom line will be that if you cannot show proof e.g. a printed out spreadsheet with results for your station, you could be closed down. Forearmed is forewarned.

See the OFCOM website for more details.

Covid-19 saliva test - NOT amateur radio

Since trials were carried out some months ago, it has gone very quiet on this. Putting swabs up noses and down throats can be distressing for some. Just spitting down a tube would be far easier, and quicker.

I am also puzzled that vitamin D and zinc supplements are not ever mentioned. Vitamin D supplements are very low cost and have strong evidence of effectiveness. I have never, ever, heard vitamin D supplements mentioned ever. Why not? If this is a "quick win" why are we not encouraged to take these?  I know of several friends who are taking these.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55840547 .

UHF/VHF scatter

Recent QRP FT8 operations on 2m and 70cm have got me thinking. On the face of it, aircraft and tropo scatter might actually be better on 70cm than 2m. 

Certainly for aircraft scatter, the smaller wavelength at 70cm might mean better scattering. I am no expert and may well be wrong. By my argument 23cm might be better still!

Certainly, path losses would be higher on 70cm, but antenna gain at each end can be easier as you go up in frequency.

What are your views? 

2m FT8 QRP (V) Thursday

As an experiment, I am on 2.5W FT8 on 2m, but using the V2000 vertical antenna instead of the big-wheel horizontal. This will mean weaker reports locally as most stations will be horizontally polarised, but I would expect less difference on more distant stations spotting me.  Indeed, I am weaker on the grabber at G0LRD

So far, at 1032z, I have been spotted by 6 stations on TX with the furthermost G4TRA (185km). 2 stations spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1115z:  5 stations spotted on 2m FT8 RX with the furthermost being G4BNM (222km).

UPDATE 1312z:  I am puzzled. Although I have been spotted by 6 stations on QRP TX, I have spotted 16 stations on 2m FT8 RX with the furthermost PE1KWE (307km), which is far more stations than normal. It is almost as if vertical is better!

UPDATE 1358z:  20 stations spotted on 2m FT8 RX with the furthermost GI6ATZ (479km).

UPDATE 1458z:  27 stations spotted on RX and 8 stations have spotted my QRP on TX. 2 QSOs.

UPDATE 1916z:   35 stations spotted on RX.  14 stations have spotted my QRP mostly at "tropo" ranges rather than aircraft scatter or troposcatter. 

UPDATE 2222z.  QRT now. 38 stations spotted on RX.

Another quiet spot - NOT amateur radio

This is a photo of another pleasant spot in our village. 

Sunspots - Thursday March 11th 2021

 Solar flux is 79 and the SSN 11. A=2 and K=1.

10 Mar 2021


My original 10m WISPY WSPR TX beacon shows the PA arrangement using paralled 2N3904 transistors. More can be added to get higher RF output. The same arrangement is to be used in my 10FT8 transceiver. 

Oscar 100 narrowband activity

Every few weeks I look at the web SDR at Goonhilly in Cornwall to assess the activity level on the narrowband transponder of this geosynchronous satellite. My latest look was just after lunchtime in Europe. My "peek" suggests activity levels are still low even after 2 years.  

I guess getting a signal though this geosynchronous satellite is too hard for most "black box" operators. Even if someone sold a special Oscar 100 transceiver they would still have to point the dish, which would be too hard! 

I believe BATC is also streaming TV activity through Oscar 100, but I have not yet looked.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

Village - NOT amateur radio

There are still some delightful spots in our village as shown in the photo. 

The village has grown a lot since we came in 1975, but it still feels like a village.

Very old family photo - NOT amateur radio

My wife is doing a photobook on the history of one side of her family. 

One ancestor is believed to have fought at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. More recently her ancestors have been shopkeepers and run a banana warehouse in Sheffield.  Doing a book is a good idea both for her and generations to come so these memories are captured.

The restored photo probably dates from the late 1800s or early 1900s.

70cm FT8 QRP (V) Wednesday

Just did a quick test and the VSWR with the FT817ND and big-wheel was high, so I have connected the V2000 vertical up instead.  Now on 70cm FT8 with 2.5W and the V2000 vertical

I intend to use this from 1700z this evening with a short break for the CDARC net on 145.55MHz FM at 2000z. I may try the latter on 2m FM with the FT817ND to see how it performs (I did).

UPDATE 1647z: No spots. I guess my chance of any spots on 70cm FT8 is low until 1700z as there will be few on at the best of times. My own view is that DX via troposcatter or aircraft reflection might be better on 70cm  than on 2m. For this we need activity.

UPDATE 1938z: 11 stations spotted so far with the furthermost PD1JFB (306km). 2 QSOs so far on 70cm QRP FT8.

UPDATE 2056z: 13 stations spotted with 4 Dutch stations despite my vertical antenna.

UPDATE 2230z: Now QRT. In all, a very decent, respectable, evening with 2.5W and a vertical omni antenna. The furthermost on TX was a spot by G7WIR (98km). The map shows the stations spotted here on 70cm FT8 RX this evening.

OFCOM auctions

OFCOM has announced that the auctions of spectrum at 700MHz and 3.6GHz start this week. See the  OFCOM website for more details. 

If you have a few billions spare........

70cm FT8 activity contest tonight

Ron PA2RF has reminded me there is a 70cm FT8 activity contest this evening. I shall definitely be on RX with the 2m big-wheel and may be on TX with 2.5W. The contest starts at 1700z and exchanges are just reports and Maidenhead locators. We are asked not to use the FT8 contest mode!

I have no idea about FT8 usage on 70cm on normal days.

On 70cms the main FT8 frequency is 432.174MHz in Europe.

See https://www.ft8activity.eu/index.php/en/

See https://rsgb.org/main/operating/band-plans/vhf-uhf/432mhz-band/

Sunspots - Wednesday March 10th 2021

 Solar flux is 84 and the SSN 23. A=3 and K=0.

9 Mar 2021

2m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

 At about 2040z, I decided to go on 2m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. So far, 10 stations have spotted my QRP and I have spotted 3 stations on RX so far.

UPDATE 2300z : Now QRT. 1 QSO this evening. 

70cm activity contest (UKAC)

With 10W and my 2m big-wheel omni antenna I entered the 70cm activity contest organised by the RSGB. I was only on for 30 minutes before I had to stop because of my poor voice. I made just 3 QSOs with the furthermost G4CLA (105km). I work him most times. With a beam and stopping on longer, I could work far more.

Private golf course - NOT amateur radio

 When my brother's in-laws died he was left a big piece of a field behind his house which is now an orchard and private golf course as shown in the photo.

Not many can say they have a golf course in their back garden!