20 Mar 2021

Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows near Kings College in Cambridge 2 years ago. 

Overnight on 160m FT8 RX

Amazing. Overnight I was on 160m FT8 RX with the FT817ND and the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. 

In all, 415 stations were spotted in 5 continents as the map shows on RX. 

UPDATE 1100z: The DX is definitely a night-time thing on this band. Although I was spotting 5T5PA (3791km) at breakfast time, now I am only spotting Gs.

Sunspots - Saturday March 20th 2021

Solar flux is 74 and the SSN 14.  A=6 and K=3.

19 Mar 2021

160m FT8 QRP (Friday)

At 1850z I QSYed to 160m FT8 with 2.5W and the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. It is now 1856z. So far this evening, 4 stations have spotted me on TX and I have spotted 22 stations on RX.

UPDATE 2030z: 16 stations have spotted me on QRP TX on 160m FT8 today. 

136kHz beacon tests

Last week I mentioned that I had, by accident, found my 136kHz CW beacon. I also found my battery operated E-field probe which fits on a car mag-mount.

At the moment, during lockdown, we are only meant to leave the house for defined purposes. Just going out for a 136kHz test is not allowed, so I shall have to combine my tests with a walk for exercise. I have a possible test site, but may be able to test as we drive around if my wife drives the car. The beacon can be switched to QRSS, but I want to test "by ear" with 10wpm CW.

On TX the beacon is connected to the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. So far, I have never tried 136kHz TX outside the home. I did try 136kHz WSPR RX a few years ago.

Chionodoxa - NOT amateur radio

This carpet of blue flowers is chionodoxa at Anglesey Abbey earlier.

 I thought they were bluebells. 

Apologies in advance! - NOT amateur radio

I saw this earlier on Facebook so thought I'd like to share it here. 

17m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop antenna

At 1345z the 17m FT8 QRP gear was turned on. So far today 22 stations have been spotted on RX and 3 stations have spotted me today so far on 15m FT8 QRP TX after just 10 minutes!! 

UPDATE 1840z:  151 stations spotted on RX.  8 stations have spotted my QRP TX.

Red-legged partridges - NOT amateur radio

We used to see these handsome birds regularly in our garden and close but they have not been seen for a while. They were introduced in the UK some years ago. 

Sunspots - Friday March 19th 2021

 Solar flux is 73 and the SSN 12. A=4 and K=2.

18 Mar 2021

Chinese electric commuter car - NOT amateur radio

The Chinese have launched a very low cost electric car aimed at commuters. It is a joint venture with General Motors. It is outselling Tesla cars by about 2:1. The standards in China are much lower than in Europe and the USA. At the moment it is only on sale in China.

It seems to me they have got their marketing spot on. In the west we have not got our electric car marketing correct. Our cars have (generally) got insufficient range for long distances and yet are far too expensive.

In what appears to be a stupid move, the UK government has today reduced the grant on electric cars under £35k and withdrawn it totally for cars over £35k. So much for encouraging us to go green!

In my view, the UK should launch a no frills electric car that fits the commuter range and can be charged at home. The government could actively encourage sales of these by strongly subsidising low cost electric cars made in the UK designed for commuters and local shopping trips.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56178802 .


According to the UK Met Office, spring began on March 1st. Some others define it as March 21st. 

Once the primroses are common we know spring is really here. My wife took this photo yesterday.

10m dipole

One of the simplest antennas is the dipole made of wire. 

On 10m this is quite small being only about 5m long. Although I have been very impressed with my tiny indoor loops, an outside dipole should be several dBs better in the best directions.

Whereas, in the past, erecting this would have been a trivial task, my ladder days are largely over, so I depend on others now for erection. Hopefully my son can help in the coming weeks. 

It would be good to have this up before the Es season starts, late next month. By the autumn I think we can expect the USA to come through regularly on 10m, even on 10m AM just above 29MHz.

I have an idea on where to hang it. This should be good for North America and Europe.

Echolink update

Southgate News reports that Echolink has been updated. I have to confess that I have not used Echolink for over a year. It allows you to talk via distant repeaters, although most of the ones I tried were very quiet. Finding any with activity was hard and this is one of the reasons I stopped. 

An advantage of Echolink is network radios can be used. As long as you have the internet, then you can gain access.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/march/echolink-for-windows-version-2-1-now-available.htm#.YFNdEyuTLrc .

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/network .

Kind bee - NOT amateur radio

There was a bee on this daffodil when we went out yesterday and one there when we got back. It may even be the same one! 

My wife took this photo yesterday. 

Fen landscapes - NOT amateur radio

We live in the village of Burwell in Cambridgeshire, UK. This is where the chalk uplands meet the peat fens. Where we are is chalk, but about 300m away it is peat. 

The photo shows the fen landscape just to the north of us. Just visible as a white dot is Wicken windmill.

17m FT8 QRP (Thursday)

At 0830z, I turned on my 2.5W QRP FT8 to the indoor loop on 17m. So far, no spots on PSKreporter even though there are several stations spotted.

UPDATE 1215z:  101 stations spotted on RX. 5 stations have spotted my QRP TX.

UPDATE 1348z:  7 stations have spotted my QRP today on 17m FT8 with the furthermost being AJ1AJ (5264km). 167 stations spotted on RX.

Stations spotting my
2.5W QRP on 17m FT8
with the tiny indoor loop
UPDATE 1920z: 14 stations have spotted me today on 17m FT8 QRP TX and I have spotted 295 stations on RX.

UPDATE 2118z:  QRT.

Sunspots - Thursday March 18th 2021

 Solar flux is 78 and the sunspot number 12. A=5 and K=2.

17 Mar 2021

Astra- Zeneca Covid-19 Vaccine - NOT amateur radio

I am deeply puzzled by some EU nations. I voted to stay in the EU in 2016, but am now convinced we did the correct thing leaving! They seem protectionist and slow beyond words!

Both the European Medicines Agency and the WHO have declared the AZ vaccine safe, yet still some nations insist on a pause. In the meantime many people will die and even more will be more vaccine-averse in months to come. 

Surely investigate if you must, but do not in the meantime pause vaccinating people who so desperately need it. This stinks of crass stupidity on a massive scale. Sour grapes?

15m FT8 QRP (Wednesday)

Shortly, I hope to go on 15m FT8 with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop antenna. It is now 1412z.

UPDATE 1701: Just 4 stations spotted on RX and no spots of me on QRP TX.

UPDATE 1930z: 27 stations spotted on RX and 2 stations have spotted my 2.5W on TX.

UPDATE 2030z:  QRT.  In the end 29 stations spotted on RX.

Kings, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

When I first came to Cambridge I had a weekly meeting in room X6 at King's college. That seems very long ago. 

X6 is on the left of the photo. The river is the Cam.

OFCOM Auction

OFCOM has announced the results of the first stage of its recent spectrum auction. See the OFCOM website for details.

Yet again the big mobile phone companies have paid a lot for spectrum. It seems all OFCOM is interested in really is ££££££!

What happened to the GPO and enforcement?

The recent announcement about safeguarding the public from harmful EMF rings hollow.

Spring lambs - NOT amateur radio

This photo shows lambs a few years ago at a nearby National Trust property.  It appeared as a FB memory today. 

Sunspots - Wednesday March 17th 2021

 Solar flux 79 and the SSN 23.  A=4 and K=1.

16 Mar 2021

RSGB videos on YouTube

 The RSGB has a number of useful videos on YouTube.

See https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRSGB

Mother's Day in the UK - NOT amateur radio

Last Sunday was Mother's Day in the UK. Dates may vary across the world. 

My wife got some nice gifts from our sons as the photo shows.

2021 Friedrichshafen in June ON but Dayton cancelled, UK Hamfest - maybe

Southgate News reports that plans for an in-person Friedrichshafen in June are still going ahead. I do hope so. I think there is an online event too. This is one of the biggest amateur radio gatherings in the world.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/march/friedrichshafen-june-25-27.htm#.YFDDJiuTLrc

On a sadder note, the ARRL reports that the Dayton Hamvention is being cancelled for the second year. In the USA there is a great danger of a new spike in Covid-19 infections, so this is probably sensible.

See http://www.arrl.org/news/dayton-hamvention-cancels-2021-show#:~:text=Dayton%20Hamvention%Ca 2%AE%20will%20not,the%2t0Hamvention%20Executive%20Committee%20said.

The UK organisers of the National Hamfest is making a final decision in June.

Simple, low cost, digital mode transceivers

Thanks to Ron, who made a comment on a post yesterday, it appears there are kits for HF bands (including 10m) FT8. 

These are SSB rigs sold by Midnight Design Solutions. I had not seen these before, nor the QST review. They sell for $55 which is pretty reasonable. My design would have been considerably simpler, but was DSB.

This is designed by Dave Benson K1SWL, so should be good. As an SSB phased design this is more sophisticated. Dave's design also allows you to choose an alternative frequency and offers more power. They should sell many when their supplier problems end.

See https://midnightdesignsolutions.com/phaser/

UPDATE 1420z:  Just ordered a 10m kit. Due May. I see the SMA parts are pre-fitted.

UPDATE 1620z: Someone asked me if I had given up on my ultra-simple DSB project. No, definitely going ahead still!

Shadows - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, the shadows cast by the windmill next door were spectacular as shown in the photo.  We get good views from the kitchen and lounge.

The windmill and sails are due for a repaint soon. Normally the 200 year old, fully restored, mill is open for visitors April-October.

15m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

It is now 1125z. I have been on 15m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the indoor loop for about 30 minutes. So far, nobody has spotted me and I have spotted just 5 stations so far today.

UPDATE 1420z: Best station spotted on RX today is VP8NO (12722km) in the Falklands. Still no spots of my QRP on TX.

UPDATE 1656z: 10 stations only spotted today on 15m FT8 RX and nobody has spotted my QRP on TX.

Sunspots - Tuesday March 16th 2021

 Solar flux is 75 and the SSN 24. A=7 and K=2.

15 Mar 2021

Kingfisher - NOT amateur radio

Late this morning one of our sons rang up to say he had just seen a kingfisher. Not only that, but he also saw it on the side of the river on a branch. Photos rarely do them justice. Normally they are just flashes of amazing colour just above the water.

These are iridescent coloured birds, rarely seen these days. They are quite something. It must be many years since I last saw one. 

First cut - NOT amateur radio

For the first time this year, I have cut the grass at the front of the house as shown in the photo. 

The first cut is always with the blades set high. 

I shall probably do the back garden tomorrow if the weather is OK.

10m FT8 transceiver

Regular blog readers may recall I want to design and make a very simple transceiver for 10m FT8, as 10m should soon be much better and less than 1W should enable DX QSOs with very simple antennas. 

The photo shows the 10m WISPY TX beacon.

Steve G1KQH told me of a good, low cost, source of the crystal needed. This is in the USA, so I ordered some and these have now left Heathrow, London, so they must have been in stock and sent by air. I have no idea if I will have to pay VAT or duty. I hope not.

As my fine motor skills are poorer since my 2013 stroke, I want to build this in parts, probably starting with the RX. Assuming this is OK I shall have a go at the TX, then combine as a transceiver. Being largely based on the 10m WSPR WISPY it should work.

UPDATE 1220z: Crystals have arrived from the USA in the post just now. No duty or VAT to pay. Just need to build now! Excellent.

15m FT8 QRP (Monday)

At about 0910z, I turned on my 2.5W to the indoor loop on 15m FT8. No spots yet.

UPDATE 1116z:  13 stations spotted so far on RX. Nobody has yet spotted my QRP on TX.

UPDATE 1500z: 1 station has spotted my QRP FT8 on TX and I have spotted 37 stations on RX. including 2 in South America. Conditions do not seem that great on 15m today.

South African 8m beacon heard in Portugal

Yesterday, the South African 8m beacon was spotted in Portugal. I guess this was TEP. 

Pommes de terre gratin Dauphinoise - NOT amateur radio

This is one of our favourite ways to cook potatoes. Par boiled, cooked with cream and Gruyere cheese. Great cold too.  

We had this yesterday for Mother's Day. Surprisingly, there is still some left.

Sunspots - Monday March 15th 2021

Solar flux is 78 and the SSN 24.  A=24 and K=2.

14 Mar 2021

No radio today

Today, I have not been on the radio on any band. Usually I go on an HF band in the day and 2m FT8 in the evening. 

10m simple (not necessarily single) sideband transceiver

10m is coming back to life. 

At any point in the solar cycle it can be good for Es contacts (in the Es seasons especially) with low power and simple antennas. This autumn we could well see some real F2 DX more commonly on 10m.

One of my aims in the past was to design a very simple rig for 10m sideband that almost anybody could build. Sadly, my health got in the way and even this is probably beyond me now. Others may well have better ideas. All I want is someone to have a go. 

I can see a simple 10m kit in my mind that could be built at really low cost on a single PCB with a simple case. All this to allow everyone to get on 10m phone for less than the cost of one meal out (remember those!?).

My (dated now) ideas were here.