4 Jun 2023

Trondheim, Norway - NOT amateur radio

For about 10 years now I have done the 365project. Every day we post a photo. 

This photo was posted by someone who lives (I think) in Norway. It is interesting to see how people use 365project.  My wife and I use it as a visual diary, whereas some use it to show their photographic prowess. We would never win on that count!

Tomorrow 10m FT8 QRP

In view of the (low) activity levels on 8m this Es season, I propose to concentrate instead on 10m QRP FT8 using my little QDX transceiver.

8m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

My gear was turned on before breakfast. It is now 0848z.  Just a single spot (quite strong too)  from HC02 (1808km) in Portugal.

There appear to be fewer active stations on 8m this Es season. I was hoping for more, not fewer. With this year probably seeing the peak of the current solar cycle this is very disappointing!  Where are all the experimenters? Perhaps people prefer discussing vegetables on 80m with commercial gear!

UPDATE 1414z:  Just HC02 (Portugal) and SR4BBX (1217km) have spotted my 8m QRP FT8 today. Just G3WCS spotted on 8m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1539z:  It is extremely unusual to see 8m FT8 reports from new stations, bringing into question why I should continue with my experiment. My experiment was to see how useful QRP and simple antennas could be on 8m. I think I have already proved that and only with reports from newcomers will I learn more. So, unless I see significant interest from others it is unlikely that I shall spend as much time on 8m in the future. Results were more interesting in the last Es season.

Stations spotted on 8m RX today

Stations spotting my 8m FT8 QRP today

UPDATE 1814z: 
Just 2 spots all day on 8m QRP FT8. On RX 3 stations spotted, although I suspect the EA is illegal.

10m QRP WSPR (Sunday)

My 500mW W5OLF WSPR beacon on 10m has been on since before breakfast. It is now 0836z and, so far, 8 spots of me. There doesn't seem to be a great deal of Es around yet.

UPDATE 1438z:  31 spots of me so far today with the furthermost FR1GZ (9724km).

UPDATE 1846z: 50 spots of me today. More Es later.

Village garden - NOT amateur radio

This is a garden in our village. It is good seeing all the wild plants.  Years ago, it was a pub.

European Es

It is now 0554z, so it is too early to tell how Es will be in Europe today. Assuming it is good, my plan is QRP 8m FT8 and 10m QRP WSPR TX. 

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/ .

Sunspots - Sunday June 4th 2023

Solar flux is 165 and the SSN 112. A=5 and K=2.

3 Jun 2023

The dangers of AI

There is little doubt that the power of artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a powerful force for good allowing huge quantities of data to be analyzed quickly and accurately. An example is analyzing x-rays for tumours.

At the same time AI could also be our downfall. As the knowledge warned today it could also be our downfall.

"The truth is that it’s “already too late” for any meaningful pause in AI development, says Iain Martin  The Times.  As with the creation of the nuclear bomb in the 1940s, the pressing question is whether democracies or dictatorships get there first. If the West and its allies fail, we will be at the mercy of autocrats who can swarm us with thousands of lethal drones, or deploy sophisticated programmes which “relentlessly search for weaknesses through which to launch cyber attacks and shut down our financial systems”. This is a race “we have to win”. " 

This is quote from The Knowledge today.

Wicken Fen walk - NOT amateur radio


My wife made this collage of our walk this morning to Wicken Fen. The round trip is about 1.5 hours with a break for a coffee and snack at the cafe at Wicken Fen.

Geese with young - NOT amateur radio

This morning, we went for a nice walk to nearby Wicken Fen. Until we got home and put the photos on the PC I had not noticed the young. The photo was taken through a zoom lens.