13 Mar 2021

17m FT8 QRP (Saturday)

At about 1000z, I turned on my 17m FT8 gear with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop. It is 1016z and so far 5 stations have already spotted me on TX and I have spotted 34 stations already on 17m FT8 RX including South America - PY1KS (9366km). 

UPDATE 1024z: 50 stations spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1530z: 312 stations spotted on RX and 16 stations have spotted my QRP on TX.

Stations spotting
my QRP TX today
UPDATE 1650z: 345 stations spotted on RX and 17 stations have spotted my QRP on TX.

Stations spotted
on RX today
UPDATE 2139z:
369 stations spotted today on RX. 19 stations spotted my QRP FT8 today on TX. Now QRT.  I am totally amazed how many stations spotted my QRP today considering how tiny the indoor loop is. I have still to try thicker wire for the loop, which should improve results still further.

Quy - NOT amateur radio

One of our favourite places is the walk down to the lake at nearby Stow-cum-Quy. It is a delightful spot about 6 miles away be car.

Virtual expo

This weekend there is a virtual expo. There are lots of presentations that might be of interest to you.

See https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com/

Optical communications

Many years ago I did some experiments with optical communications over the horizon (NLOS). See the photo. This appeared as a FB memory today. 

Sunspots - Saturday March 13th 2021

Solar flux is 77 and the SSN 15.  A=12 and K=4.

12 Mar 2021

Smaller? - NOT amateur radio

Today we bought some compost from a local hardware store. 

My wife bought me a Mars chocolate bar. It says 51g. To me it seems far smaller than I remember. Is this the way they are charging us the same, but actually selling less? 

Pot of gold? - NOT amateur radio

This was the view down our close yesterday. No gold found!! 

Walkies - NOT amateur radio

This afternoon we did a walk around Anglesey Abbey. The daffodils will be at their best in about 1 - 2 weeks.

The photo shows one spot where they are out. 

17m FT8 QRP (Friday)

At 1135z, I turned on 17m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop antenna. So far today (after 5 minutes only) 15 stations spotted on RX, but nobody has spotted my QRP on TX. 

UPDATE 1252z: 75 stations in 4 continents spotted on RX. 3 stations have spotted my QRP on TX with the furthermost UW5ZM (2317km).

Zoom "dinner" - NOT amateur radio

Last night, because of Covid-19, we had another "virtual" dinner on Zoom with old work friends. Since we have not been able to meet in person every month, we have had Zoom meetings instead. We are encouraged  to bring our own drinks! 

Surprisingly, these have been pretty effective: not as good as chatting in person over a real meal, but better than nothing. Zoom allows everyone to see and hear everyone. 

We even had a deaf member last night. Lipreading with Zoom was a challenge and a lot of use was made of the typed "chat" feature!