Showing posts with label wildfires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wildfires. Show all posts

14 Aug 2024

Wildfires - NOT amateur radio

We may argue whether or not this is a short-term blip or a longer-term trend, but the Earth is definitely warmer and the evidence seems to point to the influence of  man.  Wildfires seem more common, oceans are warming and hurricanes seem more common.

There is no doubt, whatever your views on origin, that moving away from fossil fuels will help in the longer term. We need more, lower cost ways of storing renewables. We need electric cars with better ranges that do not depend on mining rare materials, we need to be able to charge far less frequently, we need electric cars to compete with fossil fuelled cars on price.

My view is that when the time is right, we will all be driving some sort of vehicle that does not depend on fossil fuel. I just hope the turning point arrives sooner than later. Imagine if we all still had film cameras and cathode ray tubes and valves! Things change.