Showing posts with label trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trump. Show all posts

6 Jan 2018

The USA in 2018 - NOT amateur radio

At the moment President Trump is openly rubbishing a new book just out. In the meantime the US government has to agree its priorities for the year ahead.

See .

UPDATE 1422z:  President Trump has tweeted, allegedly, that he is "a very stable genius".

29 Nov 2017

The US president: is he stupid? - NOT amateur radio

To become president of the USA you have to be rich and clever. Mr Trump is obviously the former and, arguably, the latter. So what on earth possessed him, allegedly, to repost some far right stuff on Twitter?  My advice, although I doubt he reads my blog (that would be something!) would be to check sources carefully before tweeting and consider whether the tweet sent is worthy of being sent or not. Maybe he employs people to check what others say about him? Silly me, bad things said are just "fake news" of course.

"Make America great again".

In this case I agree with the UK Prime Minister - Trump was WRONG to retweet these far-right videos. Doing so make him seem stupid, in my eyes. Others are quite entitled to think him wonderful.

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I have reached my personal conclusions, although in a free world others are fully entitled to have theirs, even if radically different from mine.

25 Nov 2017

Trump and faking it - NOT amateur radio

Allegedly  President Trump tweeted that he was "probably" going to be named TIME magazine's Person of the Year, but he apparently declined. TIME has disputed this. It is also reported that the president has a fake TIME cover showing his golf clubs and him.

TIME has also disputed a claim, allegedly, that Trump has appeared on its front cover more than anyone. I am reporting this, I hope, as it appears on the BBC website, which I believe is NOT fake news.

The media portrays the present president as a fool. "I could not possibly comment", to use a phrase from Yes Minister.

The good people of the USA elected President Trump to run their nation and "make America great again".  Let us hope the next president represents the people well and has them at heart.

See .

8 Nov 2017

Would Trump win now? - NOT amateur radio

The BBC asked a number of "experts".  I was surprised by what they said.

See  .

4 Nov 2017

Mr President in Asia - NOT amateur radio

So the president of the USA is on an official visit to Japan, South Korea and China. I am not sure if anywhere else is on his agenda. I hope he is presidential and not the butt of more jokes. Maybe he can stop tweeting and actually listen?

Allegedly his views on the causes of climate change are at odds with scientists who have access to facts and evidence. Oh silly me - this is all rubbish and a Chinese plot. I quite forgot. Fake news.

UPDATE 2308z:  Apparently he is also visiting Vietnam and the Philippines.  See

13 Oct 2017

US President: anyone know his IQ?? - NOT amateur radio

Just wondering - does anyone know President Donald Trump's IQ? To  become president of the USA takes some doing, so he can't be stupid.

9 Oct 2017

Why did you vote for him? - NOT amateur radio

So President Trump in the USA is proving his credentials on the world stage leading with vision (NOT). Sorry, but my view is he is a menace.  He seems more interested in short-term votes than the future of the world, including the USA.  Dust bowl? I see no dust.

Others are free to disagree, but surely with all those recent strong hurricanes he must realise climate change is real and not a Chinese hoax? Sadly, many voted for him.

See .

Before "Mr Anonymous" (name withheld) starts a rant, this is my view.  Others are free to agree or disagree, but please give us your name.

6 Oct 2017

Back to the Stone Age next? - NOT amateur radio

Well, I freely admit that I do not have all the facts, but to an outsider living in the UK Donald's latest policy on birth control seems another backward step in the "land of the free". What never fails to amaze me is just how many American's supported him in the last election: to my mind this is more disturbing than Trump.

See .

19 Sept 2017

Trump - NOT amateur radio

What the USA president says would have more persuasive power if the USA did not have a history of supporting corrupt states in the past. "He who casts the first stone" and all that. Fine if the USA had a history of really defending truth, liberty etc., but history says it is only interested in defending its vested self interests.

20 Aug 2017

Trump - NOT amateur radio

BBC TV had a professor of American Studies on this morning. He thought Trump was running the Presidency like a business and was using "The Apprentice" TV show as a model. "You're fired", seems to be the catch phrase for those around him with whom he falls out. This professor thought Trump would be out by June next year.

A lot in the USA did vote him in. Personally, this is more worrying. Did so many really think he would "make America great again"? As a clear outsider, I fail to see how the good ordinary citizen of the USA could be well represented by this man. Clinton was also far from perfect in many eyes.

As I said yesterday, we reap what we sow. Elections and referenda have serious consequences and it pays to think of the future, whether with US presidencies or EU "leave"/"remain" votes.

Sadly it appears many in the UK and USA believe the clocks can just be turned back to "the good old days". They cannot: we live in a very connected, multi-cultural world and we have to adjust, not be ostriches pretending otherwise. The USA is a trading nation and depends on the rest of the world. Isolationism is history - wake up!

18 Aug 2017

And another one.....NOT amateur radio

Donald has fired another one! Still there are over 200 million people left in the USA.

See .

17 Aug 2017

Old statues - NOT amateur radio

It is rare for me to agree with Donald.  On most things I personally detest the man.

I personally think statues of the past should be left, even if we dislike them and what they stood for.  These are of the past, and times, and views, change. Destroying these (whether in Syria, Afghanistan, USA or UK) serves no long-term good. If we destroy everything we do not agree with today, we are making a judgment. Personally, I think every age should have a chance to make up its own mind.

Racism, bigotry and a lack of tolerance is always wrong.

My views, and I respect the right of others to disagree with me.

16 Aug 2017

Trump - NOT amateur radio

Well, yet again he seems to have put his foot in it. This time the issue is neo-Nazis and white supremacists in the USA. If he simply condemned violent and provocative acts, surely he would have better chances. Even some fellow Republicans are against him.

I don't live in the USA, but I do struggle to see how a rich billionaire can really represent "the common man". OK, he was voted in. The trouble is "you reap what you sow".

UPDATE 2148z: Now both Bush ex-presidents have said, according to the BBC, that Trump should  "reject racial bigotry, anti-Semitism and hatred in all forms".  I agree.


9 Aug 2017

Trump and North Korea - NOT amateur radio

So, what happens next?

North Korea is run by Kim. The USA is led by Donald.

In years past I had confidence in the leaders to wisely "do the right thing". This time I have my doubts. Both are unpredictable.


1 Aug 2017

Trump - NOT amateur radio

Apologies to all my readers in the USA who voted for him, but personally I find your current president sad. Maybe many in the world are misjudging him?

Allegedly, he has now sacked his latest media chief after a few days in the job.  How can we in the rest of the world take your president seriously? It is about time he acted as a president. This is my personal view and others may well disagree, which is your perfect right.

Sending tweets, claiming lots of the news is fake and sacking people after a few days in office does not sound like a leader of the western world. "You're fired" belongs in a TV show, not in the White House.

See .

29 Jul 2017

UK Pound against the US Dollar - NOT amateur radio

At the moment the USA seems to have a joke in charge who is even losing the respect of his own party. Personally, I give him 6 months, maybe 12, before his time will be up.

I fail to see how this billionaire is able to be the voice of ordinary US citizens. "Make America great again" is a fine tag line, but making it happen requires the gravitas of office and serious behaviour, not silly tweets.

Meanwhile, the US dollar continues to weaken against the UK Pound.

26 Jul 2017

Trump's latest - NOT amateur radio

His latest thing (allegedly) is to ban all transgendered people from serving in any capacity in the US military.  One transgendered friend was once Mayor of Cambridge. At work no-one cared about it when this man became a woman. This person had a job to do and that was all that mattered.

See .

22 Jul 2017

Trump - NOT amateur radio

So Donald has now been in office for 6 months. In an electoral system such as that in the USA you get the person voted for by most. What amazed me was that so many voted for him. Let history be his judge.

13 Jul 2017

Rethink over climate deal? - NOT amateur radio

Is Donald having second thoughts over climate change? I certainly hope so. On this the USA is at odds with the entire world and that can't be good for one's ego. He sounds and behaves stupidly in the eyes of the rest of the world. Come on Donald! You'll look better (more presidential) if you come into line.

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