2 Feb 2025

RF in the shack?

When I try to use the IC-705 on FT8 I get an error message saying that there is a problem with the sound card when I know the correct one is being selected. Probably there is RF in the shack. 

My antenna is an end-fed, and RF in the shack is often a problem with end-feds. I have never had the issue before. It probably depends exactly where the leads are placed.

Tomorrow I shall try adding ferrite beads to the antenna and PC leads to see if this cures the problem. 

One thing I should try is reducing the RF power as this should prove it. With far lower power it should avoid the issue of RF feedback.  If this proves it, I know what to do to fix it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also use an EFHW which is mounted 6M AGL, the 49:1 is mounted 10m away from the shack and I was still having RFI issues with the USB lead when plugged into the 705.

Purchased a cheap 1:1 line isolator from M0CVO on ebay. Short patch lead from 705 to Isolator. From Isolator connects to the longer coax to 49:1 and this solved my issue.

Clip on ferrites didn't give a suitable solution as every now and then it would still happen.