Maybe I have not noticed recently, but Practical Wireless, the UK magazine, seems to be thinner this month. My March 2025 edition came via the post today.
Getting thinner can imply it is trying to ride the storm, but is in trouble. I hope it survives.
I used to take around a week to read through my PW and usually tried to utilise at least one of the articles. But yesterday I read my latest delivery in a single day. An article reutilising a spare a computer power supply ended in frustration as the author did not mention how to enable it stand alone and I ended up destroying it!
The second article in it on using an old computer power supply mentions the Aliexpress PCB assembly that the old supply just plugs into. Coincidentally I bought one a couple of weeks ago and it works well.It has an on off switch enabling the supply(linking green wire to ground). The board costs next to nothing from AliExpress.
I checked back-issues to November 2024 and they’re all 62 pages long, so maybe it’s different paper stock?
Going back a bit further, there were issues that were 70 pages in length so they are smaller now. I haven’t yet established when the change occurred.
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