17 Sept 2024

Radio Magazines

 Already this year we have seen the disappearance of CQ and Radio User (at least as a separate magazine). Others may follow. 

At one time you could pop into a UK newsagent and see several radio related magazines. Not any more. Over the years more and more have closed or maybe gone online only. If you want a magazine about PC games or steam trains there are several to choose from.

It is as if few people are interested in radio technology any more, sadly.

10 years' time? The best we can expect is a few pages in a magazine about technologies in general. 

I have made my view plain in the past. Am I right or am I right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you're right. My daughter has a new lesson on school "technology and application". But none of her class is really interested. She thinks it's boring. Youth takes technology for granted, it is just there...
73, Bas