4 Aug 2024

8m legal amateur radio

At the moment there are about 6 countries that have granted radio amateurs access to the 8m band. Others have granted access by means of some kind of experimental licence. Also, I believe others may access the 8m band using ISM rules, the power being dependent on the administration. Several people have had success with 10mW ERP (the limit in the UK) using licence free ISM rules.

In my view the situation is a total mess, which could be simply rectified if administrations gave limited amateur radio access as follows:

  • 40.680 - 40.683 MHz (just 3 kHz).
  • Narrow digital only (modes like FT4/8, WSPR and CW)
  • 10W ERP maximum.
  • By application only.
  • Possibly with a 2 year time limit (around sunspot maximum).
  • Strictly no interference to other services.

I cannot understand why this should be such a problem. Essentially it would give radio amateurs access to a tiny part of the 8m ISM band for serious research.

In the meantime, it would be good to have a list showing which administrations have granted legal amateur radio access to the band and which have allowed experimental access.  One possible solution would be for EI7GL (John) who has an excellent blog to add this to his 40MHz pages.

In my view OFCOM (and the RSGB) and the FCC have been unbelievable over this.


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