10 Jul 2024

8m permanent amateur allocations

 Around the world, several nations have granted radio amateurs permanent access to the 8m band. Others have granted experimental licences. Being between 10m and 6m this would be a really useful small allocation for propagation research.

To my knowledge, the following have granted radio amateurs permanent access. My list may well be incomplete:

  • Eire
  • Slovenia
  • Belgium
  • South Africa
  • Cayman Is.

Others are trying,  Maybe this is a trend that will continue. 

Countries that I know have been active (not in the Amateur Radio Service) include:

  • Croatia
  • Latvia
  • Luxembourg
  • UK
  • Falklands
  • Bonaire
  • USA
  • Australia
  • Israel
  • Lebanon
  • Italy
  • Greece
There are probably many more. I don't think Croatia has a permanent amateur allocation.


Keith said...

I think you can add Canada to your list, Roger.


Roger G3XBM said...

Indeed Ken! I am sure I have left out many more too.

The basic message is progressive administrations ARE making a small 8m slot for radio amateurs to carry out valuable research.

I hope the UK comes to its senses soon. Oh look, there flies another pig......

Roger G3XBM said...

Keith, not Ken!

Roger G3XBM said...

OFCOM appear stupid insisting that my £50 8m T&I permit started when the application was first made, not when the licence was received and could not be changed. Effectively I got only 11 months!! Brain?