8 Jun 2024

500uW 10m WSPR (Saturday)

Although I get a few spots a week with this tiny power, I get very few spots overall. Maybe there are fewer people using 10m WSPR?

My conclusion is this is just too little power. It is surprising to me as I was expecting to be spotted more often on Es, as signals can be very strong. I suspect that much of the time I am below the noise floor with many stations.  For now, I shall stick with this power on 10m WSPR.

UPDATE  1209z:  No spots. Next week, I may try 10mW on 10m WSPR to see if that is better.

UPDATE 1616z: Just a single spot by OZ7IT (853km).

UPDATE 2018z:  Like buses, none then 3 come along!! 3 stations managed to spot my 500uW (0.5mW) today. Propagation must have been good today on QRPP 10m WSPR. GM, PA and OZ spotted me.

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