22 May 2024

10m 500uW (0.5mW) WSPR (Wednesday)

My beacon has been on all day. No spots all day.

If I had good results on 6m FT8 with 10mW, I would have expected some Es spots with 500uW on 10m WSPR. Perhaps the 13dB difference takes signals into the noise floor?

1 comment:

Jan, OZ9QV said...

I think there are two factors at play.
First, as you say the 13dB difference, it's a valid one.
The second has to do with timing. A signal in FT8 needs less than 15 seconds to decode, the WSPR signal about 2 minutes, and a signal via Es can come and go, be there for 15 seconds and be decoded in FT8, but there is not enough information decoded in WSPR.
I experienced a similar difference when I switched from JT65 (1 minute periods and lower decode threshold), to FT8. On the higher bands I got much better decodes than with the longer periods.

Good luck, for now I have 6m and 8m FT8 decoding running when I am not away for more than a day (thunderstorms en give rise to a disconnect, though).

Vy 73 de Jan, OZ9QV