5 Aug 2023

Pixies and Micro80 transceivers

At one time you could buy Pixies kits for 40m CW very cheaply from China with free airfare. It may still be possible. 

The Pixie transceiver was derived from the Micro80. Both have severe limitations, especially on RX. Nonetheless, they work and can be a very low cost introduction to the hobby. I have built both in the past.

You may be amazed that something this simple actually works.

1 comment:

G1KQH said...

Please don't get me going on this one again.

Yes still available: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32978725127.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.9.4c0332d18UYpEH&algo_pvid=99e81efe-2e19-4043-94fc-8b433afdf059&algo_exp_id=99e81efe-2e19-4043-94fc-8b433afdf059-4&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21GBP%211.63%211.3%21%21%212.01%21%21%40211b88ee16912398194715417e53a0%2166753034661%21sea%21UK%210%21A&curPageLogUid=DQl97DJUmHXQ

£1.63 Carriage
VAT @ 20% Yes everything we import now via China get clobbered.
= a bit over £3 each

Still a bargain for a bit of fun..

73's Steve