20 Jun 2023


Many people prefer to chat with people and FT8 is definitely not a chatting mode!  There is a variation called JS8CALL that allows keyboard chats. 

Neither of these can compete with actual SSB, FM or AM conversations. FT8 seems to be like a certain yeast spread in that people either love it or hate it. In my case (with a poor voice) FT8 has been my saviour. I appreciate this is not the case for many.

What FT8 is really good for is working DXCC stations and sniffing out brief openings. The actual space taken up by an FT8 signal is narrow at about 50 Hz. It also works with signals weaker than CW. It occupies just a few kilohertz of spectrum and it is well monitored. Software is free.  Transmissions last just 15 seconds, so very brief openings are unlikely to be missed. This is especially useful on bands like 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m and 2m  especially at times of low sunspot activity. Especially on N-S paths it is my view that the higher HF bands are open far more frequently than we think. The main issue is a lack of activity.

In summary, FT8 has its uses. It is no substitute for voice modes, but definitely has its place.

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