8 Jul 2022

2m operation

You often hear the cry "2m is dead these days". It is true that fewer people come on the band just for a chat as, these days, they can do this with video for free locally or across the world on the Internet. My XYL chats with an old friend in Australia on video and it is like she is in the same room. I am also amused when our club Zoom talks are given by someone 5000km away! In many ways the Internet has shrunk our planet and we feel more connected.

Back to 2m. These days there are far more modes, some which require far less bandwidth, yet can go a very long way. An example is FT8 which works with signals far weaker than SSB or CW. I have found that unheard of DX seems possible at just about any time on 2m QRP with an omni antenna. By the way, FT8 needs just 50 Hz of bandwidth whereas SSB typically needs 2400 Hz. 

Yes, 2m is quieter than it was 30-40 years ago, but there is still activity of a different sort. Indeed, if you listen on repeaters or FM simplex these can be quiet. Calling CQ on SSB is far less likely to get a response.

In some areas, local noise can be a nightmare. Here, thankfully, it is still fairly quiet. I use a V2000 vertical for FM and a big wheel omni for SSB and FT8. Even with QRP, I find great DX can always be worked with 2m FT8. Give 2m a go sometime.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/vhfuhfmicrowaves/2m-operation .

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