12 Oct 2021

70cm (432MHz)

This is a band that seems to have sadly gone out of favour. This evening is the October leg of the 70cm activity contest organised by the RSGB (UKAC). Activity on SSB can be quite good and people are friendly. It starts at 1900z and lasts for 2.5 hours. Even if you just come on for the fun, I can recommend it. I only managed 3 QSOs with 5W and the 2m big-wheel omni antenna (see map).

Unlike lower VHF bands, brief tropo lifts in certain specific directions can be quite common. I suspect aircraft scatter is also more effective than on 2m. It is a pity more stations are not active as it is an interesting band. Antennas look like TV antennas and interference (QRN) is usually much less of an issue.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/vhfuhfmicrowaves/70cm-operation .

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