28 Apr 2021

Does the UK prime minister lie? - NOT amateur radio

To many outside the UK the heated discussions over who initially paid for renovation work on the UK PM's flat must seem odd.  Indeed they are, but at the heart is a question over whether Boris Johnson tells lies. If he tells lies, should we trust him? 

There is no doubt the the recent pandemic crisis has taxed us all with many things in life quite different. In many ways he has tried to "steer the ship" in very choppy waters and has done quite well, even though the death toll in the UK is high. He has definitely made mistakes and I just wish he would accept this and be honest with us.

Sadly, openness and honesty are in short supply with politicians.

No, what is at the heart of this is how honest is the UK PM?

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-56915307 .

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