29 Apr 2021

10FT8R Schematic

I am sorry this is hand drawn for now. With my addled brain it is much harder to learn new schematic drawing packages. I thought it better to put up a hand drawn sketch than nothing.  Even doing the schematic by hand was hard.

The inductor next to the crystal was added to pull low cost 14.040MHz crystals down to 14.037MHz. In my case I used a T37-6 core with about 6uH inductance. I DC isolated the connections to the PC mic input.

I use the shack 13.8V PSU, but it will probably work with batteries with lower voltage although I have not tried this. Some resistors may have to change in value.

The Polyakov mixer diodes could probably be replaced with matched germanium ones.

If you can improve it please let me know!

1 comment:

John, EI7GL said...

Hi Roger, one suggestion is to use the 'scan' function on your printer to turn it into a higher quality JPG image. Hand drawn is perfect.