22 Feb 2021

136kHz experiments

Before moving to the current QTH about 7.5 years ago, I did some tests on 136kHz QRSS. I used the E-field probe for 136kHz on a mag-mount on the car and drove around to see where the beacon could be copied. The beacon produced 8W into 50 ohms, but the beacon ERP was only low milliwatts or even less. The antenna was the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. After successfully receiving the beacon on the far side of Cambridge (20+ km?), I just stopped as it was obviously working well both on TX and RX. The E-field probe is shown in the photo.

Other than a brief test with the earth-electrode "antenna" on RX, I have never yet tried 136kHz at this QTH.

My old site (links may not work as this old site is not maintained) has a description of the E-field probe RX antenna and other tests at 136/7kHz.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp/Home/136k .

See also http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2013/01/137khz-e-field-probe-mag-mount.html for more on the LF EFP.

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