9 Jul 2020

6m FT8 (10W to the V2000 vertical omni antenna)

Since breakfast, I have been on 6m FT8. 15 stations have spotted me so far, but no QSOs yet.  On RX, a couple of stations spotted (OH and G). It is now 0747z.

UPDATE 0815z:  Although I have been spotted by 24 stations already this morning, I suspect my low ERP is preventing me working and spotting many 6m DX stations. I am probably at least 10dB down on the better stations. On FT8, being 10dB down can make a lot of difference. I suspect JT65 and WSPR would be better,  but I think FT8 activity levels will be higher and the 15 second TX periods would favour short openings. I suspect this is a case when higher ERP really does matter.

UPDATE 1126z: 2 QSOs with OH stations so far today on 6m FT8 TX and 49 stations have spotted me.  82 stations spotted so far on 6m FT8 RX, all in Europe.

UPDATE 1334z:  3 QSOs so far today. 84 stations have so far spotted me with the most distant being 4X4DK (3580km) and 113 stations spotted on RX.

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