20 May 2020

ICOM IC-705 price

MLS has announced the price of the IC-705 as £1299.95. The release date is now shown as July 2020. Personally, I suspect this will be later. As far as I know it has not yet been released in Japan, although I stand to be corrected.

For a QRP radio this seems very high, although it is a 10W radio with HF, VHF and UHF bands. Like the IC-7300 I cannot see a rush to drop the price.

The FT818 is far less than half price. In my view the IC-705 is market priced as the punters will pay. As an SDR, the receiver should be less expensive than a superhet architecture.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/ic705

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