10 Apr 2020

20m FT8

With the FT991A I get sometimes get feedback into the rig when using the tiny indoor loop antenna. This occurs at 10W. So I am using the FT817ND instead as this seems totally immune. Ferrite beads on the leads make no difference. On TX just one spot so far. On RX, 126 stations spotted so far today.

UPDATE 1242z:  4 spots of my 2.5W so far today.  On 20m FT8 RX 204 stations spotted so far today.

UPDATE 1800z: 8 spots today of my 2.5W 20m FT8 to the tiny indoor loop antenna.

UPDATE 2116z:  In the end, 11 stations spotted my 20m 2.5W FT8.

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