21 Dec 2019

Rainbow - NOT amateur radio

There was a great rainbow over our close yesterday.  It was very bright. The photo hardly does it justice.

1 comment:

Michael said...

In July of 1980 I was in South Dakota, the days really hot but the nights relatively cool. It onjy rained a couple of times. The first was at night, and with nothing really blocking anything (it was the plains) the lightning lit up the sky. Even when it was over the horizon.

Then it rained one afternoon, very heavy rain. But abiut five minutes after it stopoed, the ground seemed as dry as it had been before the rain. Then the sun came out, and a double rainbow appeared, nice and clesr. A guy from the American Indian Movement then daid "that's nothing, I once saw a triple rainbow".

Anout twenty years later, I suddenly wondered if he'd really seen three concentric rainbows, or if he was just trying to out boast the rwo rainbows.
