8 Nov 2019

Lies - NOT amateur radio

Every time there is an election coming nearly all politicians make promises that are rarely kept.

In the UK we have a General Election due December 12th. Yesterday the Labour Party and the Conservative Party were making promises to spend big on the health service.

Today there was a Conservative politician on TV about a points based immigration system. When repeatedly asked a very direct question about whether this would result in more overseas workers working in the UK she swerved around the answer as most politicians do.

I seem to remember President Obama in the USA promising to close Guantanamo Bay.  Many years later it is still there. Then there is President Trump's wall.

Cynical me?

Whatever politicians promise, ignore.  Is it any wonder we don't trust our politicians?

1 comment:

RichardP said...

Several years ago a Scottish comedian quipped “Don’t vote, it only encourages them!”.
It was probably a joke then but maybe now it deserves consideration.