24 Sept 2019

It never fails! - 2m FT8

As the risk of storms has disappeared until lunchtime on 2 forecasts I use, I have reconnected the rig, PSU, antenna and PC for now.

Although it is raining heavily (the first decent rain here for months) I still get spotted in Eire, Cornwall and Germany with a 10W CQ call on 2m FT8 TX, even with the big-wheel omni antenna. In all, 8 stations spotted me, although no QSOs resulted.

Yesterday G4BAO (8km) was +18dB S/N despite running 20mW. I am sure we would have worked each other if he had run 100uW. On 2m FT8 RX no stations spotted here yet, but I expect this will change.

UPDATE 0854z: Just 1 spot on 2m FT8 RX so far G4VQZ (175km).

Spots from my latest 
2m FT8 CQ as of 1027z 
(10W to the big-wheel omni antenna)
UPDATE 0830z: Just a couple of Gs spotted so far on 2m FT8 RX. A very recent 10W FT8 2m CQ was spotted by 9 stations as shown in the map.

UPDATE 1027z:  Now 4 stations spotted this morning on 2m FT8 RX with best DX PE1ISS (409km).

UPDATE 1402z: A recent 10W FT8 2m CQ was spotted by 12 stations with the best DX being a spot by DF6PW (562km). On 2m FT8 RX I have spotted 15 stations in 4 countries so far.

UPDATE 1840z:  A 10W 2m FT8 CQ was spotted by 10 stations with a QSO with DL6YBF (471km). He called me!

UPDATE 2031z:  In the last few hours 20 stations in 4 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX. On 2m FT8 TX (10W CQ) I received 8 spots in 3 countries.

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