4 Aug 2019

FT8 issue fixed?

Yesterday I reported that I was struggling on FT8 RX on 20m, and other bands like 70cm RX. I knew the PC settings were right as these worked on 6m and 2m, so the issue had to be with the rig settings.

It appeared that the bandwidth settings on bands other than 6m and 2m was 500Hz. Setting this to 3000Hz seems to have fixed the issues. I am now receiving stations on 20m FT8 on 14.074MHz USB digital with the loop on the back of the rig. I have no idea why these settings were as they were. Maybe I can try 160m FT8 with the earth-electrode "antenna" tonight?

On TX with 8W I have not had any spots yet, but at least there are now RX spots from all over Europe on just the tiny loop.

UPDATE 1342z: Best DX on the tiny loop on 20m FT8 RX is RA1OD (2920km). Another CQ call got no spots.

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