23 May 2019

EU elections - NOT amateur radio

Because of our delayed departure, the UK has had to take part in EU elections, The results will be known on Sunday when all EU member countries have voted.

In the UK these elections are quite odd. Unless by some late change of circumstances we vote to stay EU members, those elected will only sit for a few months.

It seem likely that the 2 major UK parties will do badly to either right wing or parties favouring staying members of the EU community. In the UK, this will be more of a protest vote. My wife and I have already voted Lib-Dem which is the party wishing to stay members. If I am honest none of the main UK political parties have policies which totally reflect my views, although the Lib-Dems are closest.

As a result of these elections, it would not surprise me if the EU made changes. With right wing parties on the rise, I suspect we will hear more about nations and less about a federal Europe in future. Assuming we do leave, I suspect the EU we leave will be much different within 5 years and we will wish we'd stayed.

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