9 Jan 2019

The road not taken - NOT amateur radio

Perhaps this is something that comes with old age. I was 70 a few weeks ago.

Time and again I look back at my life and wonder what would have happened if I had made different decisions. I expect these questions are quite common in all of us. For example, what if I went to a different university, or actually had done that PhD? What if I had married someone else? What if I had accepted that directorship, or gone to work in California when I was offered a job?

My 2 claims to fame: I had lunch with Joselin Bell (who discovered pulsars) when interviewed for my PhD. Sir Clive Sinclair asked me for advice on antennas back in the 1970s!

All through life there are branches we could have taken, but didn't. I guess we will never know. This reminds me of a famous Robert Frost poem "The road not taken". Many years ago we visited Robert Frost's house in New England.

See https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44272/the-road-not-taken
See also (for audio readings) https://reelyredd.com/0602roadtravel.htm

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