9 Feb 2018

10m FT8

After a disappointing evening on 136kHz with just G3XDV (61km) spotted on OPERA and nobody on WSPR, I have QSYed to 10m FT8 RX.

No spots as yet, although I only turned the rig and PC on about 10 minutes ago.

UPDATE 1027z:  F5RD (681km) spotted.

UPDATE 1247z: A couple of Gs to the west of London spotted, probably off the aircraft stack for London Heathrow?

UPDATE 1645z: No further spots since this morning on 10m FT8 here. With promising solar numbers (relatively!) I was hoping for better. I'll give it an hour or so then probably QSY to 472kHz WSPR RX.

UPDATE 2030z: Doh! Since before teatime I was trying to receive 10m FT8 with the RX off! Stupid boy! I turned off the PSU when I was soldering wires to my 472kHz preamp and forgot to turn it back on again. I feel so stupid.

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