14 Jan 2018

10m FT8

After a few minutes on TX, I am now on 10m FT8 RX. No spots as yet.

UPDATE 1042z: Best DX spotted so far on 10m FT8 is OZ1LXJ (805km).

UPDATE 1355z: Just one more G station spotted on 10m FT8 today so far. Very quiet.

UPDATE 1603z: Just one more G and PG0DX (411km) spotted. These could be aircraft reflections.

UPDATE 2000z: No further spots today.

1 comment:

Jan, OZ9QV said...

Today was a decent day here, near Copenhagen.
I spotted a few Central and Northern European stations, and I have 3 spots from PY1JD (calling CQ). The question is, was the PY a combination of F2, extended with Sporadic E. Probably, I think.
I am monitoring almost 24/7 on 10m, if I do not use the TRX for other stuff. I am using a shortened 27MHz half wave end fed vertical, a very useful antenna for 27 - 20MHz, and reception is quite good on lower bands, right down to 40m.