11 Nov 2017

Solar cycle 25 - what will it be like?

"As of April 2017 the strength and trend of the southern polar field hints at a cycle 25 with a magnitude close to that of cycle 24. " 

This was a quote from http://www.solen.info/solar/.  It is expected to be a weak affair. If anyone knows of a better forecast please let me know. As it will probably be my last, I hope it is better than cycle 24, although I think this is unlikely.


G1KQH said...

Your last?

Oh no! I will be around 60!


73 Steve

Roger G3XBM said...

The cycle after next will peak in about 17 years time. So I'd be about 85 then. If I make that one (cycle 26) I hope I'm fit enough to enjoy it. More likely I'll be helping daisies to grow!

G1KQH said...

We had better not wish our lives away then Roger,

Live for today not tomorrow.

73 Steve