7 Oct 2017

Low cost miniature UHF handhelds

Slowly, but surely, the Chinese are conquering the world by stealth.

You can buy 2 very low cost miniature UHF transceivers from China for £22.82 with free airmail shipping to the UK. Two! These give you 400-470MHz coverage and a Band 2 FM receiver! How do they do it and make money? How can any western or Japanese supplier hope to compete? There are even lower cost transceivers if these are too expensive!

See https://www.gearbest.com/walkie-talkies/pp_775273.html?currency=GBP&vip=2674264&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyKyzvdne1gIVa6btCh37pwkvEAEYASAEEgK2VPD_BwE

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