1 Oct 2017

Chesterfield - NOT amateur radio

On the train to Liverpool last week, we went through Chesterfield, Derbyshire with its crooked church spire. This is clearly visible from the train.  just on the south side of the station.

I think the timbers warped after it was erected.

It makes quite a talking point. I don't think any other UK church has such a spire.


Anonymous said...

Barnstaple in North Devon suffers the same. spire made with green timber.
73de 2e0fst

Roger G3XBM said...

Thank you 2E0FST. I did not know that. As I come (originally) from South Devon I should have known that, HI.

Roger G3XBM said...

Well, Wikipedia has a list of churches with crooked spires including Ermington in South Devon, just a few miles from where I was born, and I never knew!