3 Oct 2016

QRP News - Sputnik days

From Oleg earlier:

Some years ago, G6ALB and I made a simple QRP CW rig, using Sputnik valves, for 21MHz and we worked a stateside station who replied to my CQ call.

Dates: October 4 to 18 annually
Mode - CW, output power less than 5 watts
Bands  -  all,  including  WARC  (it's  not  a  contest),  around QRP
frequencies recommend

-  use old type valves(50'th)  TX, output power recommend less than 1
watt.  To  identification  add series of "dit" (beep-beep-beep...) in
start or/and finish of transmission

-  use  old  type  Ge (germanium, 50'th) transistors TX, output power
recommend  less  than  100 mW. To identification add series of "V" in
start or/and finish of transmission

- copy time and freq of Sputniks and Vanguards (CQs or QSOs). Use main
callsign as SWL.
Each  operator  may  take  a  part in any categories sending separate
reports/logs for each category. Any QSOs in account. Same station may
operate on other bands or in other category on the same band.
Reports/logs  must be send daily (preferably) to the "Center of Space
Communications" :-) to - mr72@club72.su
Add  photos  of equipment, antennas including any comments. Dead-line
for reports/logs before October 25. Memorably certificate will be sent
to each station/SWL.
See totals log/comments/pictures since October 4 on the Club 72 page -
Ask  "Mr  72"  to add your e-mail in the special "Sputnik" discussion
group (reflector)

72! Deep Space Communications Center
Operator in duty -
Oleg "Mr. 72" RV3GM / KH6OB beep...beep...beep...

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