4 Feb 2016

Australia on 10m yet again today

VK2KRR (16789km) spotted my 2W 10m WSPR twice this morning. Despite the "poor" forecast for 10m, the band is again far from dead as WSPR shows. The band does need more activity.   It is still good for real DX. These days it is a lack of activity rather than conditions that is the main issue. People casually listen, hear nothing and go away.  My recommendation is try WSPR and you'd be surprised how good conditions are on 10m.  In a few years things will be a lot tougher but right now on 10m DX is still there to be had. Also, my antenna on 10m is far from the best and another 10dB of antenna gain should easily be possible. If you run 5W rather than 2W that is already about 4dB.

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