5 Oct 2015

472kHz WSPR with the 2m big-wheel and feeder

As an experiment, I have loaded up the feeder and 2m big-wheel on 472kHz. I am using the earths from my earth-electrode "antenna" as grounds. Matching and tuning are done with a ferrite rod coil that I found after being lost!

UPDATE 1545z:   M0LMH (223km) was the first station to copy me.  So far he has copied me 4 times at -26/-27dB S/N. It is still very light here and in IO93 square, so I assume this is ground wave.

UPDATE 1848z: M0LMH (223km) has spotted me many times as has local G4KPX (14km). G8HUH (250km) has been spotted. As yet, I have not spotted any Germans or been spotted by any.  At the moment, the results suggest the vertical feeder is not as great as I might have expected. I may try changing the grounds tomorrow.

UPDATE 1955z:   DH5RAE (995km) has been spotted 58 times in the last week.  Although it is too early to be sure, initial indications are that the vertical feeder and 2m big-wheel is no better than the earth-electrode "antenna". The feeder and top capacity hat is not a great 472kHz antenna as much of the feeder is low. I really need a dedicated 472kHz antenna and proper ground directly outside the shack to improve my ERP dramatically. Compromise antennas are "OK" but I could do much better.

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