If I can do a
temporary erection of my 2m big wheel using the long 2 inch pole just laying next to the window, I may give tonight's 2m UKAC a try. The big wheel, fed with low-loss coax, should be almost 1 S point up on the halo I used last month. It would also be a chance to try out the big-wheel before it is permanently erected on the end of the bungalow. I have been kindly offered help with this, more permanent, erection.
2m big-wheel - temporary erection |
UPDATE 1702z: I have managed to get my big-wheel up in the air temporarily so (assuming it does not fall over!) I should be able to give it a run during the 2m UKAC contest this evening. I am copying the GB3VHF and PI7CIS beacons but the SWR seems a bit higher than I was expecting. Performance is better than the halo, but I am not sure by how much, maybe 0.5 S points or about 3dB? Tomorrow I might see if I can reduce the SWR a bit. It is not bad, but could, and should, be lower. In its final position, above the window on the LHS of the photo, it should be at about the same height. Once erected, I shall be unable to make any adjustments.
UPDATE 1750z: By altering the position of the stub and and bending the clover leaves very slightly the SWR improved. I think it can be improved more, tomorrow.
Stations worked in 52 minutes in the 2m UKAC this evening with 5W SSB |
UPDATE 2035z: The big-wheel, on its temporary pole, performed very well with 10 QSOs (best DX 181km) with just 5W pep in 52 minutes. Not having to turn a beam is so much better. I may well try this in the 2m contest this weekend, for some of the time before my poor voice says, "STOP!!".
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