3 May 2015

6m Es

GM4FVM (428km) spotted me on 6m Es at 1112z this morning. He must be monitoring several bands as this was the same time as the Es spot on 10m.  This is the first Es I have experienced on 6m this season. Apart from the GM, M0MVB (30km) spotted me a few times this morning. Otherwise very quiet on the 6m band, at least as far as WSPR was concerned.

Last Es season 4X1RF and a CN8LI appeared in the logs several times. Not yet this season!

I am hoping that the Atlantic will be spanned on WSPR this season on 6m. I've done it on CW before with the same ERP, so WSPR should be easier as long as there are active stations on WSPR. Last Es season there were far too few stations active on 6m WSPR.


Photon said...

Yes, I remember the CN station last year - remarkably strong when nothing much else was around!

I agree entirely about the lack of WSPR stations on 6m. It also suffers from herd mentality in that people only start switching on when they see others reporting spots. Not the best way to get representative data! It's usually even worse on 12m, where one can often find only one or two WSPR stations, sometimes none.

Roger G3XBM said...

Here's hoping we'll have plenty of stations on 6m WSPR this Es season. The best DX 4X1RF(3519km) could just possibly have been single hop F2?